#but i think bagel will probably stick as his name


I swear to god my cat is a little demon. He has scratched me up SO MUCH even when I try to redirect him to his toys and NOT me. Whyyy like pls Bagel stop attacking me. Right now though it’s not too awful in the sense his little claws aren’t too sharp it’s like paper cuts but that’s almost worse cos they can sting more.

I swear he is a little demon and I’m pretty sure Kade loves that he’s such a little shit which is just so typical. He is super cute though despite clawing the shit outta both of us like look at his little face. Kade managed to get this photo of him actually in his own bed for once and he put the blanket over him it was so cute. When I got home he was still asleep under the blanket until I walked in and then of course he started jumping around and that was the end of that lol.
