#but i think this is important


I don’t want to get involved in the whole debate at all but tbh I am really sick of seeing everyone on facebook acting like they’re an expert on abuse during the whole Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial. Just yesterday I saw a post going around claiming Amber was obviously not abused because she didn’t remember some things, and abuse victims ‘remember every detail of their abuse, no matter how much they try to forget’.

That is blatantly false. I would know because I myself have experienced abuse and trauma. Some of it, I do remember painfully clearly. Other parts are hazy. Some things, I remember the moments before and after, but the actual trauma is just a blank space in my mind, probably where my brain blocked it out to protect myself. This goes for my childhood trauma and trauma that I experienced as an adult, too. During a conversation with my mother recently, she brought up something abusive that happened to me when I was a child at the hands of my stepmother that I genuinely did not remember at all.

Everyone reacts to abuse and trauma differently. Everyone has different body language, different ways of responding to trauma, different thoughts and feelings regarding what they’ve been through. But suddenly everybody I’m friends with on facebook is an abuse and body language expert and has an opinion on why someone is lying or why someone is traumatised, everyone can ‘just tell’ a real abuse victim when they see one, and I’m tired of it. If it’s that easy to tell, why did no one know it was happening to me? Why do so many abuse victims suffer alone?


with the tags and search officially being completely broken on all platforms (no new posts are showing up in them anymore), now feels like a good time to remind everyone that the only way to help creators is to reblog their stuff. even before the tags were busted most people found new creators through their content being rebloged onto their dash, and now, at least for the time being, that will be the Only way to find and spread things.

Fast reblog is a thing, you dont have to leave comments, you dont have to leave tags, just reblog stuff if you want to keep seeing new content being posted to this site.

and as a final note, with this change likes are officially completely pointless for content creators. up till now they served to boost a posts placement in the tag searches (a post tagged #girl with 40 likes would show up higher in the search than a post tagged #girl with only 10 likes,)
