#but im afraid to ask


A get to know me tag thing
I was tagged by @gabriels-steth
Rules: tag twenty followers you want to get to know better
Name: Mary (one of my nicknames, I’d rather not give my full name) 
Nickname: I have a lot of nicknames but Mary is one of them 
Gender: Cis female 
Star sign: Cancer 
Height: 5'4″ 
Sexual orientation: Heteroflexible. It’s basically like I’m mostly straight, not bi but not completely straight 
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw ilvermorny house is Thunderbird 
Favorite color: Red. But also black, blue, and purple 
Time right now: 9:55 pm 
Average hours of sleep: Maybe 5? Like between 5-8 
Lucky number: 7 
The last thing I googled: “Starset Dusting Bates" 
Favorite fictional character: I have a lot of favorites, but for now I’ll go with Count Olaf because I’ve been watching Series of Unfortunate Events and I loved the books so much 
Blankets I sleep with: 2
Favorite artists/bands: Red, Demon Hunter, Skillet, Gemini Syndrome, Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Coheed and Cambria… list goes on 
Dream trip: Japan or England in terms of out of the country. I would love love love to go to a national park! 
Dream job: Veterinarian 
When did you make this blog: I think like one, close to two years ago? I was 17 at the time so a little over a year 
Follower count: 375 
Posts: I honestly have no idea and I don’t know how to check, but a lot 
When did your blog reach its peak: I don’t know. I got a lot more followers after stethingdave followed me so does that count? 
Why did you choose your URL: My blog actually started because of a joke. My friend and I were talking about my crush (current boyfriend who knows this story now), and joking around because he’s actually cardiophobic. My friend knows I’m a cardiophile and we went on and on with puns and jokes about it. Then I said something along the lines of “cardiophiles be like: when your crush is cardiophobic” to play on the irony of my situation. Then I said omg that’d be a funny Tumblr URL huh and my friend was like DO IT! So I did. I still joke about it, with her and my boyfriend, because to me it is absolutely hilarious. 
I tag: @stethingdave@littleprettykitty@cardiaccadillac@diancie-hearts@eulalia-heart@fennekinheart@gabriels-steth@ghostheartstillbeating@heartoflea@insideyourwoodenheart@lubdafuqdub@prepare-for-treble@xanadokidoki@xenobeat
I’m sorry if you were tagged already or maybe some of these accounts have been deactivated but I tagged the blogs I typically like or people that seem hella interesting and I’d be their friend
