#but it exists so yay


[30 Day Self Ship Challenge]

The crisp air is cold against her skin, but Elise feels nothing but warmth. Kolivan is holder in one strong arm, keeping her huddled against his chest. A night like this was rare for them, and Elise was going to enjoy it to the fullest.

“Cold?” Kolivan asked. Sharking her head, Elise took another sip of the deep red wine she was holding and snuggled into him further. His fond chuckle above her made Elise look up to see Kolivan smiling.

“You look like a baby quallion clinging to its mother.” He whispered. When Elise laughed, the sound was cut off by the fireworks in the distance. They cast patterns of light upon the couple, and Elise couldn’t help but sigh at them, looking into Kolivan’s eyes as he said, “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

Without breaking eye contact, Elise leaned in until she was only a breath away from Kolivan’s face and whispered, “They truly are.”

Lips met and breath mingled beneath the sky as the two lovers embraced.
