#but it is definitely bone weary sick tired






Well fun times i got Covid from my grandparents and this is really not how I wanted my last day of work to go.

ANYWAY now I’m on the 30-pill Paxlovid anti-viral and I’ve canceled all my appointments for the next two weeks so like. Yeah. :/

Also holy cannoli I can feel the difference taking the anti viral - like, it’s sort of reminding me of taking tamiflu, which, I know it’s not functioning the same way but. It’s weird to notice the physical lessening of symptoms.

Also yeah, metallic taste in the back of the mouth side effect is noticeable, but it’s not bad, and it’s not iron-flavored, which I was kind of expecting. It’s like. Old quarters minus the brassy tones. Hm.

Ok spoilers metal mouth flavor went from subtle quarters no hint of iron to sooooo bitter. Apparently my body is now producing the substance we spray on cables to teach the cats not to chew in the back of my mouth. Like. It’s so strong it woke me up. Not a fav yall.

But!! I feel physically much better so I’m just gonna suffer bitter-yuck-gross-mouth this week so there’s that.

Three days into medication and one week into Covid and I feel like I’ve been living with a perpetual hangover. I woke up today, took medicine, ate some avocado toast and fell asleep for four hours, woke up, folded 10 pieces of laundry and put some dishes inside a cabinet and had to go take another 4 hour nap and then cry because my emotions are not very steady at the moment. So there’s that.

Also bitter metal mouth is dreadfully persistent.

In other news risu has Covid too and that was a whole Ordeal TM and I’m just thankful he’s not hospitalized.

Ok so it’s been almost a week since I finished antibiotics - I tested with a home kit twice to make sure and I’m definitely Covid free, so that’s good.

I’m still coughing and my lungs are kinda gross right now, but that’s clearing up. No brain fog to speak of - mostly I’m just incredibly exhausted. Like - I can do maaaaybe 3-4 tasks in a day and I have to take a nap in between everything. It’s getting better but like. So tired. Not loving that.

Anyway, I’m gonna put a stamp on this one and call it done? Yeah - done with Covid.
