#but its about porn


Hi friends!

Do you like my work? Do you want more of it? Do you like Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Erotica, voted on by lovely people like yourself? Do you perhaps even want custom captions about images and subject matter YOU provide?

Consider subscribing to my Patreon!

As it stands, I update every Sunday with either a new caption or a choose-your-own-adventure story. I also update sporadically with captions from people at my $10 tier who buy their own custom caps.

Hope to see you there,



In case you haven’t heard yet, the tag “NSFW” isn’t showing anything in tumblr results. 

Likewise, if you search for a NSFW content producer, absolutely nothing comes up. 


I suppose tonight I am seriously going to look into expanding Splathouse into other platforms. 

In the mean time it is extremely important now that if you’re following a NSFW artist or content producer you REBLOG and SHARE THEIR WORK AS FAR AS YOU CAN

Because without the ability for the tag to be searched, they’ve essentially de-platformed an entire group of people. 

There’s a lot I want to say about this. I am incredibly angry. I feel stupid that I didn’t take the time to look into alternative platforms until now. I feel like an absolute fucking moron for ever believing Tumblr during the Yahoo buyout, when they said they wouldn’t hurt NSFW artists. 

I never should have assumed that any one platform truly gives a single fat flying fuck about keeping NSFW content producers and sex workers safe. 

They’ve never cared about us. It was always about money. 

So. Tonight I’m going to look into alternative platforms to load my content. Assume Newgrounds will be the place for fiction for right now. Here’s my soundcloud in case you don’t have a direct link: 


I am likely not going to be working on content until I have other platforms up and ready. 

I am literally open to any and all suggestions as to where to go or what to do at this point. I’ve used tumblr because it was incredibly easy to keep all my stuff in one place. 

And now my work can’t even be searched for. 

Splathouse is the largest creative endeavor I have ever been a part of. It is what I have poured literally every ounce of my being into for the last three years in a row. It is the one thing that has seriously pulled me out of my depression and convinced me that what I do and create has merit. 

I am incredibly hurt by all of this. I’m not going to quit. I couldn’t, I love what I do and I love all of you too much. 

But this hurts. 

This hurts a lot.


My man Jack at it again with the quality commentary.

When I have free time I’m gonna do a shout-out roundup for everybody I’ve been following lately to give a little boost to indie porn blogs. Until/unless there’s a good one-size-fits-all solution for a place to migrate to, everybody’s gotta stick together and drive traffic to each other since the platform is now inherently hostile to our work.

Hopefully we find a new platform to latch onto, but it always sucks going into this sort of shift. No matter what, this represents a net loss of traffic for NSFW artists, writers and sex workers. Even if there’s a good place to jump ship to, some of our followers and fans aren’t going to like it, others aren’t on Tumblr chiefly for porn and won’t jump ship until their main focus is similarly cut down. I’m fortunate enough that I’m not actually dependent on this work for my living, just some extra cash on the side that I’m tremendously thankful for and lucky to have. For others, this is earth-shaking, batten-down-the-hatches, dawn-of-the-final-day type shit.

Please support your NSFW artists, creators and models during these troubled times and I’ll do what I can to support others in these circles. Be on the lookout and spread the word for good alternatives. This isn’t just for you as a creator, but as a consumer. Most of us want, I think, want to jump to a platform people actually want to use.


((One more quick check-in. I’m still with family atm for the holidays. In light of the whole purge scare and the thus-far permanent safe mode, I would encourage everybody to back up anything they like from my blog. Once I get home and have a full computer, I’m going to back up everything too.

This whole thing is a bit frightening to me. I don’t have a huge following compared to a lot of folks, but I still put in some elbow grease to get the following I do have. It would be a shame for Tumblr to decide it should all just be over with. Likewise, it sucks that until the safe mode thing gets lifted (if it even does) that pretty much the only way people can find me is word of mouth or if they’re porn bots. Funny how those are pretty much untouched even after the fap snap.

I’m looking into alternatives, although what I do is already platform-dependent and morally sketchy at best. That’s what I get for building my own little porn fiefdom on other people’s work, I suppose. Pillowfort is looking like an ideal alternative, depending on whether it makes it out of beta. For now, this is my Twitter to keep in touch in case this blog explodes, I don’t really plan to use it much otherwise. 

Cheers everybody.


((Just checking in and apparently NSFW Tumblr is on fire. It looks like the cause is blogs that aren’t flagged as NSFW and I have been for quite some time. That said, I threw up a Twitter in case we gotta mass porn Exodus.))

((Cheers everybody. Thanos joke. May the odds be ever in your favor. Improvise, adapt, overcome, etc.))
