#but its more than enough




Hey everyone,

I have been working on a project for the past couple of months in light of having to interact with friends and family from the comfort of my home. Then I thought it may be useful to more than my small circle, so I wanted to know if anyone around here would be interested in using my custom Minecraft crafting guide.

Up until now I was using a giant text document, then I got fed up of scrolling endlessly and decided to move everything to a web page, and this is WAY better:


Note that this is for the Java version, and I haven’t finished yet!

More details and pictures under the cut!

Keep reading

Here is the link everyone! Didn’t expect this many of you to show interest, thank you guys!

It’s in French by default, but you can switch to English in the upper-right corner.

^^ It’s finally online, go check it out!!
