#but its very much too late now

liquidxsin: An illustration of a white, fair skinned human with wavy mousy blond hair wearing a tan liquidxsin: An illustration of a white, fair skinned human with wavy mousy blond hair wearing a tan liquidxsin: An illustration of a white, fair skinned human with wavy mousy blond hair wearing a tan liquidxsin: An illustration of a white, fair skinned human with wavy mousy blond hair wearing a tan


An illustration of a white, fair skinned human with wavy mousy blond hair wearing a tan fringed jacket over a button up. Round 70′s glasses sitting on top of on their head. Dawned in four necklaces, 6 rings, tight fiitting bell bottoms, large round belt buckle and dress sheo’s. The belt is embossed with a floral pattern. Their leaning on their car door, which is a yellow Pontiac Fire bird 1984. In front of a white New England Saltbox colonial converted into a farmhouse. Underneath the Autumn Sunset. 

There is a second illustration of them waving at the viewer with a bright and carefree smile. The setting is the same as the last.

Earl Crawford, outfit one, complete.

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