#but ive never like attacked anyone


I decided that while I do my homework that’s due for today that I should drink. Because online classes are dumb in every way possible for me… and AND I haven’t learned a single thing since my school transferred to online. SO while I do my homework and get partially drunk whilst doing so, my inbox, DM, and Discord are open for anything y’all want to throw at me.

if nothing, that’s damn well cool too. Although y’all might see some of drunk me hyping people up for no reason other than I just want too.

ACTUALLY, YOU KNOW WHAT? While I’m working on homework and getting drunk, if y’all want to be hyped up for whatever reason then throw some stuff in my inbox. Drunk me got you covered.

As per usual, I am safe- just chillin’ at home and honestly I’m pretty happy. But also ANGY because my car got stuck in our driveway here because of all the snow and my mommy had to come save me lmfao Look I love snow, but I’m tired of it having an attitude. 

ANYWAYS. THE INBOX IS OPEN FOR WHATEVER YOU’D LIKE IT TO BE. I genuinely promise you that drunk me just doesn’t judge. i’m here for the party.

