#but keep an eye out for my upcoming posts

johannaherrstedtisfake:Cleaning out my drafts. This was something I intended to post a while back.johannaherrstedtisfake:Cleaning out my drafts. This was something I intended to post a while back.johannaherrstedtisfake:Cleaning out my drafts. This was something I intended to post a while back.johannaherrstedtisfake:Cleaning out my drafts. This was something I intended to post a while back.


Cleaning out my drafts. This was something I intended to post a while back. Screen caps of Johanna dogging my posts. This is what I meant by Johanna doing damage control.

Of course, this is probably meaningless at this point considering Johanna has ceased with this behavior. Her IP doesn’t even turn up on my Statcounter. So either she’s remaining tightlipped and using a proxy, or her New Years Resolution is to ignore me. I’m hoping it’s the latter.

In any case, the screen caps merely show the timestamps of each post in Johanna’s main tag. I think two of them show that my posts were followed up by Johanna’s within an hour, with the other two lagging somewhat behind that.

She’s transparent af if no one caught onto that yet.

Post link