#but look where we are now


I always say Bass Before Bae (half ironically, half as satire of a comment that suggested I was not worthy of love, but I was worthy of my bass)(kind of an insult to the bass’ value too, which I gotta say didn’t go over well)

Well I am pleased to announce there might be something wrong with me.

I have been on a trip with extended family all week and I got a rare 20 minutes to myself.

Well I’ve been in a significant tiff with someone I love for several days.

About an hour prior to my blesséd 20 minutes, my high school orchestra teacher called out of the blue with A Task (not getting paid, but that’s alright for several reasons IN THIS SPECIFIC CASE, but still. Not getting paid.)

So I could use that 20 minutes to get started on this task or I could use that 20 minutes to call my friend.

I didn’t even think about fixing my personal life. I just set right to work on the task and used that entire 20 minutes for it.

As much as I was offended by the comment, fuck, he (maker of aforementioned comment) might have been right. Because I’m taking bass over bae very seriously.
