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The Most Tumblr Punchline

I’ve noted before that my favorite punchline on Tumblr is “hang on, gotta look something up/okay that’s funny.”

Let me explain why:

  • It is a way to say “I don’t get it” without blaming the joke or the teller.
  • It is a tacit admission of ignorance without shame or judgement.
  • It assumes responsibility for acquiring the knowledge the respondent doesn’t already have.
  • It cues other people who Don’t Get It to do the look-up themselves, allowing them to get that full impact of Getting It without derailing the post with explanations.
  • It gives subsequent readers, whether or not THEY got the joke, a little frisson of good feelings when they realize that someone else is now In On The Joke.
  • It not only makes the original joke funnier, it gets funnier the more often it’s used.