#but not if its about the zombie apocalypse









y'all know a character being gay isn’t a genre right

me: so whats this piece of media abt? is it good?

some idiot that judges how good something is based on how many gifs tumblr has of it: it has a gay character

me, bc that tells me absolutely nothing: 

but what if, the genre of gay, nonbinary, and autistic characters all in one? Hmmm?

none of those are genres

What if we made a show where one of the characters was a shy pan sexual and the other was a really outgoing asexual and we called it Al

stop that.

“It has queer characters!” Okay, you’ve piqued my interest. Now tell me more. I’m not going to consume media based solely on the queerness of the characters. I can make my own queer content for anything, tell me why I should care about this thing other than I don’t need to tweak canon for queerness.

Legit, saw so much on here about the Locked Tomb “Trilogy” (not complaining about 4 books, please give me more content TazMuir) having lesbians. It wasn’t until the post that said “lesbian space necromancers” that I gave even half of a damn, and that’s not even a full genre, but I like space and I like necromancy, and I’ve never seen them combined before. I don’t have that much free time, I’m not going to invest it in reading something just because the main character is a girl who likes girls.
