#but not the regular kind


So I was reading a Batman fic ‘broken but functional’ basically it was a fem Damian salt fic, now this inspired me.

Genderbend, Maribat, salt fic, but instead of being salty on Marin’s side let’s throw it at the Wayne’s (minus the girls and Alfred (never Alfred q-q)) and the JL, so I’m a genderbend Dahlia, Marin, and just because I wanna ship Adrian and Kagami as lesbians, Adrian/Adrianna (Adrian short for Adrianna)

So the background of this fic/idea is gonna be based of of broken but functional (aka Selina losing her baby) but I find it unbelievable that the bats don’t have cameras, audio, or some sort of recorder on the suits so I’m a just make it so it corrupted or broke.

Let’s make it a big mission, Dahlia asked for some backup because there were too many people to fight, Selina ends up showing up, takes a few dudes out then gets hit on the stomach, (I’m gonna make it so she knew she was pregnant but overestimated how good she is at fighting/defending) blah, blah, blah, she falls down, blah, blah, blah, in pain, blah, blah, blah, Dahlia finally gets rid of the last one, blah, blah, blah, runs over to Selina to help take her back to the cave, blah, blah, blah, lose baby, blah, blah, blah, you get the rest.

(I imagine Selina was on the monitors cuz Barbra was running late) here’s what I imagine would happen after Selina woke up from the antics and losing the baby, First She’d be told the news, then blame Dahlia cuz she needed assistance and stuff, probably gives a somewhat off version of events like how Dahlia told her to come and help, and of course there would be no evidence to prove Dahlia’s innocence other then her word, which they won’t believe (other then the girls and Alfred) cuz at this time she like 13 and still getting used to living with her father, blah, blah, blah, you get the rest.

So I imagine the girl that takes Dahlia place is like Cat woman’s sidekick/prodigy (I’m basically gonna make her a replica of Lila cuz I’m salty like that) I imagine that everyone distances themselves from Dahlia over a two year period, she’s still robin over the two years until the wanna be Lila (who I’m gonna call Liane cuz why not) Liane takes her place, now this was the last straw.

She’s had most of her family abandoned her, most of her friends, her acquaintances/coworkers, but this! This was the last straw! So she makes up her mind, she was leaving… for good.

Cue the escape plan,

Now Dahlia had a plan, she always did, it’s just no plan was as risky as this one, first she had to get passed the vultures and Alfred, the best time she had Calculated would be Patrol time, when they wouldn’t be at the manor, excluding Alfred, then she’d have to grab Titus, and Alfred the cat (of course) and lastly she’d have to disarm the security system and Cameras to get out.

Now her plan was going smoothly, even managed to avoid Alfred… until she didn’t, she had met him in the security room, just as she disarmed the system and turned around to leave, she met him, face to face.

Alfred Pennyworth, the butler of the manor was standing right in front of her, face to face, a stoic expression on his face, the moment their eyes met she knew there was no hiding it from him, “you can’t stop me.” was what she said, her stoic expression matching the butlers shook for a mirror moment as she saw his expression soften and heard his reply “I know.” he pulled out a paper note with a phone number on it and held it in front of the young Heroine “my private number” was soon followed by a silent pauses as a confused expression was in the young heroines eyes “when you get to wherever you are headed to, I hope you find what you have been looking for, and maybe, one day, you can call and tell me about it.” With a hesitant gaze, she excepted the note, pulling it to her chest whispering a quick “thank you” before passing the butler and leaving the manor with her pets in a hurry.

She soon headed to the docks, there was a cargo ship heading to Europe, getting on the ship was easy, she hid behind the boxes, after a little over a week she’d arrived in Germany, but it wasn’t over yet, her plan was to cross the border to France while also disappearing so no one could find her.

Now the reason why Dahlia chose Europe, more specifically France, was because of her father, he had lesser ties with Europe than any other continent, and France’s capital, Paris, currently has a ‘no-fly rule’, anyone who isn’t a native either has to have some sort of business there or has a family emergency because otherwise they were not allowed entry.


Dahlia makes it to Paris France in one piece, after arriving she soon found an apartment which she paid for with cash from an account no one knew of, even decided to enroll in school since she has all this free time now.

That’s how she ends up meeting Marin and the crew (Marin, Adrian, Kagami, Claude, Luka, Alix, Zoe, Nino, Kim, Max and Julica) she’s placed in the ‘Akuma class’, a class known throughout the school for having the most akumatization and re-akumatizations in the school, when she first arrived to class as a new student, she tries to avoid people, keyword being ‘tries’, the first few people that tried to talk to her got ignored until Marin, in the beginning, she ignored him too but for some reason every time he’d see her he’d greet her with a smile, even though she’s never had a proper conversation with him she slowly starts warming up to him, even developing a crush on him (maybe she’s not the only one >:3)

This is how I imagine they actually end up talking, at the end of the school day, they both end up staying behind to clean up the art room, and accidentally get locked in, so after realizing they were locked in the art room they check their phones for a signal, and as their luck have it, they did not, at first it’s two awkward 16 year olds just sitting in silence hoping someone would come and unlock the door, after a few minutes Marin’s the first to break the silence, it was awkward at the beginning but that quickly changes as they both got captivated in their conversation, they hadn’t even noticed that two hours had passed until the art teacher in charge of the room opens the door, they end up swapping numbers, and ever since then they’ve been stuck at the hip.

Marin introduces her to the group and they all become friends, a month later she accidentally finds out Marin and Adrian are Red beetle and kitty Noir and the rest of the group are temporary heroes, she tells them she was robin but she wasn’t anymore because of a fallout she had with most of the bats, she also ends up helping them figure out who Hawkmoth is.

They’re 17/18 years old when they take him down, that’s also around the time when they start a band (sorry, been listening to Disney’s music more specifically lemonade mouth music, and been obsessed with she’s so gone ) everyone has their own thing to do so not everyone is in the band per say,

For some reason I see Dahlia as a singer that plays the piano, Marin I see as the costume designer, Adrian after being in the public spotlight her hole life would probably be a Publicist, Kagami would help with all the decorations and art stuff, Claude the manager, Luka another guitar player, Zoe sings and plays the guitar as well, Alix I see on the drums, Kim someone who helps with everything, Max the sound check guy that deals with all the electronic parts, Nino a DJ that can rap, Julica plays the base and sings.

They also wear costumes, masks, and makeup so no one recognizes them, this also when Dahlia and Marin get together.


Everything is good, The band in successful, They ended up starting a company that quickly took over the entertainment, fashion, and electronic worlds (cuz why not?) (I’m a call it Miracle Corp.)

(No one knows it s them still)

This is also around the time Marin finally pops the question (they’re all like 24/25 btw) Dahlia of course says yes, cue the crew popping out of the bushes cheering, and cue the crew realizing they F-ed up their spying/snooping (lol, anyone else imagine anime/manga characters getting caught?)

Around this time Dahlia finally tells Marin about her past (he knew bits and pieces but never the full story) and let’s just say he was mad (for her not at her)

Also after thinking about it, Dahlia finally decides to call Alfred for the first time in almost ten years, at first, the conversation was a bit awkward but it soon turned into a conversation one would have with a family member they hadn’t talked to in awhile, she’d told him about her life, her friends, fiancé, and his family, who were like her family, she even invited him and the girls to her wedding, he’d told her about his life back at the manor, her sister’s lives, how they panicked when they found out she was missing, and how she was missed dearly by them, at the end of the call they’d planned to meet soon for the wedding and said their goodbyes.


The meeting between Alfred, Stephanie, Cassandra, Barbra, Marin, and my friends went well, and everyone enjoyed themselves.

None of the Wayne’s really knew that Barbra, Stephanie, Cassandra, and Alfred were attending my wedding, Everyone thought Barbra, Stephanie, and Cassandra, were going to a wedding of a close friend, Liane tried to tag along but was instantly shot down, claiming it was a ‘close friends and Family’ wedding, as for Alfred, everyone thought he was going on a Vacation to relax, not attend the same wedding as the girls.

(Btw this is a good parent Talia)

The day had started with everyone getting ready, everyone was nervous yet so excited, after about three hours, everyone was ready to head out, the guys had headed there earlier and had warned everyone about the Paparazzi outside the venue, some people would probably confuse it with a red carpet instead of a wedding, that was of course the fault of the guest list, but oh well, if that’s the price to pay to have your famous friends and family attend your wedding, so be it.

When we arrived, there ware bouncers/bodyguards separating the Paparazzi from the wedding guests, after getting out the car and them managing to get a few pictures of us, we headed inside, the wedding was being held at a private ground that Marin’s Nona owned (I imagine she’s loaded since she’s always traveling) to say if was beautiful was an understatement, it was gorgeous, and it definitely added character to the wedding, especially the ceremony, which was short and sweet.

After everyone else had walked down the aisle (groom, groomsmen, flower girl, bridesmaids) mother had walked me down it as well, when we got to the end, she kissed my head, placed my hand in Marin’s, and took her seat, I’m pretty sure everyone was crying, because at this point I started to and Marin was holding back tears.

And after came the reception, we spent about three hours taking photos, socializing, dancing, and eating an early dinner before leaving everyone to start the after party, and from what I’ve heard it was a mix of interesting and wild, but all in all fun.

The pictures the Paparazzi managed to take were published the day after the wedding, on our way to the airport, the honeymoon lasted about two weeks, we went all around St. Lucia, and Amalfi Coast, we were recognize about everywhere we went, a few people wanted a picture or photo with us but most left us alone, understanding it was our honeymoon and we probably wanted to be alone.

The day we had gotten back home was a bit chaotic, somehow it had gotten out what flight we were on so the airport was crowded with Paparazzi and fans, after 15 minutes of some really impressive stealth skills, we’d managed to get to our car without being spotted.

When we arrived home, Just when we got out of the car, someone approached us, said someone, turned out to be not a someone but a group of people, The Wayne’s, seeing them was a shock itself, but seeing them in front of my house? Now that made me freeze in place, Marin had noticed and decided to stand next to me and hold my hand, I expected that they’d question me and even insult me but what I didn’t expect was for them to start apologizing, saying how they found out just recently that Selina was lying, as soon as they found out they kicked her and her prodigy/student out, and they wanted me to come back “home”, at this I could feel Marin grow angry on my behalf, I, myself was somewhat numb, after year’s of heartbreak and self-blame, I didn’t really care anymore, they choose to believe someone else, they didn’t even let me defend myself, not even hearing what I had to say, So In a cold manner, and stoic face, I calmly replied, “I’m sorry mr. Wayne but, what does your family’s business have to do with me?” Their faces grew shocked, they tried to protest but I continued before they could “whether ms. Kyle lied or not is none of my business, at the end of the day you chose not to let me defend myself or hear me out, you pushed me away blaming me for her mistakes without giving me a chance, it made me feel unworthy, unloved, untrusted, and I hated myself for a long time because of it… because of you, I don’t need people like that in my life. So, please leave my residents before I decide to call the cops on you for trespassing.” and before they could even open their mouths, I turned around and started walking off with Marin holding my hand, a smug grin on his face.

Time skip part four? (few months)

So, I’m pregnant, it wasn’t intentional, we used protection, but it happened.

The first person I told was Marin, at first, he was shocked but as it sunk in he got excited, We’d both decided to tell our family and friends soon, the media and other people can wait.

We’d set up a get-together at our place, all our friends and family were invited, we told everyone over dinner, everyone was excited, they’d poped oven a few wine bottles to celebrate, everyone else who was underaged or couldn’t drink drank some alcohol free champagne, we told the girls and Alfred over a call, all were excited but swore to secrecy.

A few months later, no one outside of our friend group knew about my pregnancy, everyone found out when I was Five Months in and couldn’t hide it anymore, and let’s just say the internet went wild until it broke, this was also around the time we decided to have a baby shower, which was fun, we found out we were having a twins, a boy and girl.

At the end of my pregnancy, When I finally had them, i knew I’d do anything for them, they were here, and it felt like this was home, it was perfect, they were perfect, everything was perfect, life was perfect, thank you.


Omg, I finally got this done, I’m sorry if there were any Grammar mistakes, please call me out if you find any, I hope you enjoy it, and here are some pictures I made on Pinterest instead of finishing this sooner:

baby showerALT
9 months of joyALT