#but please participate if you can





Sansa Stark Month begins in less than a month! For the entire month of May, we will be celebrating Sansa Stark through gifs, fanfictions, fanart, graphics, metas, and whatever else you want to make.

We will be tracking #sansamonth2022and #sansaappreciationfest2022 so please tag your posts. On AO3, we have a fic collection and we will be tracking fics tagged with #sansamonth2022

See the promps below:

day 1- flowers

day 2 - direwolf

day 3 - snow

day 4 - red

day 5 - mother

day 6- the vale

day 7 - sky

day 8- clothes

day 9 - music

day 10 - father

day 11- king’s landing

day 12 - art

day 13 - friend

day 14 - adventure

day 15 - love

day 16 - magic

day 17 - food

day 18- freedome

day 19 - power

day 20 - the North

day 21 - bravery

day 22 - chilvary

day 23- books

day 24 - prayers

day 25 - sibilings

day 26 - beauty

day 27 - mentors

day 28- hope

day 29 - innocence

day 30 - winterfell

day 31- children

See you soon!

Less than a day left!
