#but thats another post





End the Electoral College. Give statehood to Puerto Rico and Washington DC.

Investigate voter suppression and strengthen voting rights.

The most votes wins.

The electoral college is undemocratic, antiquated, and based in racism. Abolish the electoral college.

The electoral college ensures that mostly City states cant completley ignore rural states but fuck them i guess

First off: there are no states that are mostly cities. If you add the population of NYC (the biggest US city) to the next five biggest cities in New York, that only makes up half of the state’s total population. And cities are not monoliths; everyone doesn’t vote the same.

The Electoral College is not about fairness; in fact, it gives disproportionate representation to electoral power to the states with the lowest populations. When you take into account the number of electoral votes and the population for each state, a person’s vote is worth more or less based on the state they live in. For example: the vote of a person in Wyoming is worth the most, 3x the average American. On the other hand, the votes of Texans are worth the least. Every vote in the US is not worth the same.

As for ignoring certain states, that’s exactly what happens under the Electoral College. This is a map of the general election campaign events for the 2020 presidential election. The two presidential candidates held over 200 events, visiting just 17 states and ignoring 33 (and the District of Columbia). 

The current Electoral College system ensures that 11-12 battleground or swing states hold most, if not all of the electoral power. Former Wisconsin Governor and one-time presidential candidate said the quiet part out loud: “The nation as a whole is not going to elect the next president, 12 states are.”

It should not be controversial to say that every vote in the United States should be worth the same and that election results should reflect the will of the people. The Electoral college is undemocratic, antiquated, and based in racism; it should be abolished.
