#but the rest



people think taking things literally is just like

  • not getting jokes and sarcasm

when in my experience it’s more like

  • thinking you have to fulfill 100% of the exact requirements for something, when everyone else apparently knows it’s actually a bit flexible
  • answering rhetorical questions and everyone thinking you’re stupid
  • SAYING something with a literal meaning and others interpreting it figuratively
  • following instructions to a T but not knowing how to modify them if something goes wrong
  • wait that song was talking about WHAT??
  • doing EXACTLY what someone asked of you and them getting mad that it wasn’t what they meant or actually wanted
  • being terrified of people’s empty threats or hyperbole without realizing they didn’t actually mean it
  • memorizing all the connotations of different words so you can use them as precisely as possible, getting frustrated when others are inexact
  • still not getting jokes and sarcasm


i love that the cast of power rangers operation overdrive are described as “five teenagers set out to protect ancient jewels” because, like. 4 out of 5 of them are adults. like not even adults-playing-as-teenagers. they got jobs! serious, grown up jobs! not like, part-time-while-still-in-school. one of them is a whole ass teacher! a race car driver! a thief! a stunt man! yeah one of them is 2 years old and also technically not human but like. these bitches are OLD?????

can the jury just stop? thank you
