#but the yellow can have more meaning to them



Lumine: “Hey stop! That tickles!”

Lumine laughed as three mini seelies with different colours played with her hair, doing small and cute sounds as they floated around the traveler while Paimon glared at the scene in front of her.

Ulman: “Hah! Looks like they already love you, huh? Seems like you have a magnet for small floating partners to follow you around”

Paimon: “Hey! I heard that! And lumine should only have 1 companion! Not 4!”

Lumine: “Huh? Dont tell me youre jealous of these small friends, Paimon”

Paimon: “Paimon its not jealous! But dont you have enough with just one Paimon already?!”

Lumine: “Paimon, it’s alright. These mini seelies are very cute, but you won’t be replaced by them, alright?”

Thepixie huffed, “Still! you cant take the 3 of those with you! They will just be a bug for our adventure!”

Ulman laughed, “Oh don’t be like that with them, these seelies are the best companions you can find, trust me! But, your companion it’s kind of right, you can’t take all of them, theyre very precious to me. But, I can give you one of them, for the right price, of course”

Lumine: “Only one? Wow, but its so hard to choose…”

Lumine looked at the 3 seelies in front of her

Lumine: “Blue its cute, but its not my favorite color, I’m sorry… Pink looks nice, but Im not so sure… and the yellow…”

Lumine blinked a few times as the yellow seelie stared back, softly floating and moving its ears up and down

Lumine: “… I didn’t notice until now… it has the same color of hishair…”

Paimon: “Lumine? Why are you staring at that seelie so intensely?”

Lumine said no words as she remembered the yellow colour of his eyes and his soft long hair

“Sister! Lets play!”

“Are you scared of the dark? Dont worry sis your big brother will protect you!”

*Nothing will ever separate us, sister. I promise, even of we are too far from home. I swear I will always with you, no matter what…“

"I promise…”

Paimon: “Traveler!”

Lumine:(startled) “Ah! What happened?!”

Paimon: “What happened you ask? Paimon has bern calling you but you didnt answer! Were you in some kind of trance or something that you didnt put attention to Paimon?!”

Lumine:(giggles nervously) “Im sorry… I just remembered something about the past…”

Ulman: “Well then, have you made up your decision, miss?”

Lumine looks back at the adventurer, and then back at the yellow seelie, before cupping the small spirit on her hands

Lumine: “I will take this one with me..”

“One day, we will see each other again..”
