#but this just explains so much



I’m so excited for Vegas and Pete because I truly believe that Pete is just as fucked up as Vegas, but he hides it in a different way. He hides his lack of morality behind his fun-loving and bright personality. But as he told Porsche, he doesn’t believe in heroes and villains. He’s smart enough to be scared of Vegas, but it’s not because Vegas is evil. It’s because Vegas is just terrifying. But when Vegas is being violent, Pete doesn’t look away. He stares at that violence. I am so fascinated by these two and I can’t wait to watch their fucked up relationship play out.

I truly believe that Vegas and Pete are a far more terrifying duo than Kinn and Porshe. Kinn and Porsche have morals. They have lines they won’t cross. I don’t think Vegas or Pete have those. Pete is loyal to Kinn right now and it’s not like he desires to cross those lines, but he has no qualms about doing so. Vegas wants to cross those lines. There’s something just so terrifying about a couple who doesn’t care. Vegas is terrifying because he wants the violence and he enjoys being the bad guy. Pete is terrifying because he will watch someone bleed and feel nothing.

Kinn might pull the trigger on someone. He might look them in the eyes as he kills them. Porsche would do the same thing. But I don’t think either of them is capable of bringing out the level of fear that Vegas can bring out. And it will be all the worse when Pete is standing there, watching Vegas be terrible and doing nothing to stop it.
