#but this sounds incredible honestly


the new canadian miniseries “Little Bird” sounds fascinating. has anyone else heard about it?

an older jewish woman named golda adopts a 5 year old native girl, thinking she’s an orphan and has no home. she raises her as a jew and names her esther. when esther is in her 20s, she finds out that she does in fact have family, and that she had been forcibly taken from them by the canadian government as one of the scoop children in the 60s. esther now wants to reconnect with her native heritage and family, while struggling with the judaism she was raised in.

golda has to come to terms with her own complicity in removing a native child from her family and culture. she’s a holocaust survivor: she knows more than most exactly what that means. how can she reconcile her own history of experiencing racial oppression and discrimination with her complicity in the oppression of inidigenous canadian people?

it was created by two jewish women, one of whom is also indigenous, and is being directed by two indigenous women.

I am really looking forward to this.

(Here are three linksif you wantto know more)
