#but to admit theres more



One thing I really appreciate about Kinnporsche is how well they understand what makes audiences feel. From a show like this, more mature, grittier, thematically darker, viewers know to expect the relationships to be the same. If Kinn and Porsche were out here hate-fucking and throwing each other into walls, sure we’d enjoy it, but we wouldn’t feel it as deeply.

And the directors and actors knew that going in. They understood that in the middle of all the violence and politics and intrigue and drama, what would hit hardest wouldn’t be the raunchiest moments or the loudest arguments. Instead what stands out the most in Kinn and Porsche’s story are the moments of tenderness, the forehead kiss and hand-holding and soft kisses and eye contact. Those moments contrasted against the brutal backdrop of their world give us so much emotional depth and nuance, and without them the relationship and story would be much less compelling.
