#but ummmmmm i sort of





For every post I see that claims Gwaine hated Arthur or would’ve easily chosen Merlin over Arthur in any situation or even that he would’ve been perfectly fine with Merlin’s magic I gain +3 in strength and +5 in spite that’ll make me write Gwaine + Arthur as besties into even more of my fics

Like my boy did notsay “maybe some nobles are worth dying for,” attempted to kill a sorcerer for dishonouring Arthur even slightly, let Morgana torture him in Ismere, and then actually died to keep Arthur’s location save, etc. etc. for this level of disrespect istg

gwaine was willing to fight in arthur’s name in 04x05 even though he knew there was a high chance of dying and technically almost killed merlin (since he didn’t know merlin was dragoon) because he thought merlin was gonna kill arthur in 04x06 and was also completely prepared to fight the disir for arthur in 05x05 but yeah let’s say gwaine hates arthur <3
