#but why not



Anyone else shipping these two or just me?


a hundred kissing prompts

please give credit if you repost.

  1. “ just kiss me. ”
  2. “ i really want to kiss you right now. “
  3. “ forgive me with a kiss? “
  4. “ give me a smooch. “
  5. “ you’re mine. “ “ so come kiss me. “
  6. “ maybe if you kiss me, i’ll do the dishes. “
  7. “ i’m here for business — not pleasure. “
  8. “ so you don’t want me to kiss you? “
  9. “ i could kiss you for hours. “
  10. “ how about a good night kiss? “
  11. “ you may now kiss your fiancée. “
  12. “ we should practice for our wedding day. “
  13. “ you, me, bed, now. “
  14. “ i want our first kiss to be special. “
  15. “ you didn’t kiss me good night last night. “
  16. “ we forgot our good morning kiss. “
  17. “ i forgot to kiss you good morning, so i’m doing it now. “
  18. “ i’ve been wanting to kiss you for a while. “
  19. “ kiss me, i’m miserable. “
  20. “ who was your first kiss? “
  21. “ did you pay the bills? “ “ yes — where’s my kiss? “
  22. “ if you want me to kiss you, all you have to do is ask. “
  23. “ you’re a great kisser. “
  24. “ you’ve never made out with yourself in the mirror? “ “ …what? “
  25. “ can i get another one? “
  26. “ every time you kiss me, i swear i fall even more in love with you. “
  27. “ i haven’t mastered the art of kissing yet. “
  28. “ wanna practice? “
  29. “ you’re a great kisser… is there an award for that? “
  30. “ kiss the pain away. “
  31. “ your lips on mine and i’m home. “
  32. “ is there such a thing as love at first kiss? “
  33. “ if i were to kiss someone, it would be you. “
  34. “ you’re irresistible. ”
  35. “ with your lips on mine there’s less bullshit coming out of it, so i guess there’s that. “
  36. “ you’ve got great lips. ” “ thank you? “
  37. “ kiss me again — but don’t stop this time. “
  38. “ i love it when you kiss me. “
  39. “ your kisses mean the world to me. “
  40. “ i want you to kiss me. for real, this time. “
  41. “ one last kiss is worth being late to work for. “
  42. “ if you kiss me, we’re not getting out of bed today… “
  43. “ you kissed me last night. “ “ and you didn’t stop me. “
  44. “ no more kisses! i need to get ready for work. “
  45. “ you’re not much for kisses, are you? “
  46. “ i really want to kiss you. “
  47. “ it’s cute, this thing you’re doing. “ [being nervous over their first kiss]
  48. “ you’ve never been kissed before? “
  49. “ you’re going to have to guide me through this. “
  50. “ do i just… close my eyes and lean in? “
  51. “ you’re just, really cute, and i don’t want you to be disappointed… “
  52. “ if you’re not ready for a kiss, that’s okay. “
  53. “ guess there’s some pressure for you too, isn’t there? you know, being my first kiss and all… “
  54. “ i want our first kiss to be special. “
  55. “ one day, i’m going to kiss you, and it’s going to be magical. “
  56. “ i kissed you. “ “ i know, i… was there. “
  57. “ kiss me again. “
  58. “ you just can’t help yourself, can you? “
  59. “ you’re just… you know, i really want our first kiss to be special. “
  60. “ i’ve always wondered what it would be like to kiss you. “
  61. “ it’s just an innocent kiss. “
  62. “ we’re friends, right? friends kiss each other all the time. “
  63. “ people kiss each other all the time, doesn’t mean there’s feelings involved. “
  64. “ i’m sorry for bringing it up. “ “ actually, i would love to kiss you. “
  65. “ you mean, you, and me? kissing? “
  66. “ you’veseriouslynever thought about [us kissing each other]? “ “ maybe once or twice. “
  67. “ you mean us, kissing? “ “ can’t say it never crossed my mind. “
  68. “ let’s just… kiss to see what it’s like. “
  69. “ fuck it. get over here. let’s do it. “
  70. “ it’s just an innocent kiss. it’s not like it meansanything. “
  71. “ when you kissed me… it’s like my soul got set on fire. “
  72. “ i’ve heard great things about you. so naturally… i’m a little curious. “
  73. “ it’s not like i’ve thought about kissing you, or anything… “
  74. “ you’re really good at this, you know. “
  75. “ all i want to do is kiss you, all day. every day. “
  76. “ i’ve never kissed anyone before. “
  77. “ you said you’ve never kissed anyone before. i’m planning on changing that. “
  78. “ well, if anybody were to kiss me… i would want that person to be you. “
  79. “ you just can’t get enough of me, can you? “
  80. “ and right now… i think you should kiss me. “
  81. “ are you sure you’re ready for this? “ “ i’ve been ready. “
  82. “ don’t make this weird. “ “ but… youhaven’tbeen kissed before. “
  83. “ kiss me like you mean it. “
  84. “ kisses aren’t necessary. we can stick to hugs and hand holding. “
  85. “ i’ll kiss you right now to prove that i don’t feel anything for you. “
  86. “ you kissed me first. “ “ i definitely didn’t. “ “ you were literallyall over me. “
  87. “ i’ve been wanting to do that for a while. ”
  88. “ did you just kiss me? “
  89. “ you’re full of shit if you think that kiss didn’t mean anything. “
  90. “ did we just… kiss? “
  91. “ your kiss already proved it. “
  92. “ shit… i didn’t mean to do that. “ you didn’t mean to kiss me? “
  93. “ kiss me, and don’t let go. “
  94. “ you’re not gonna kiss me. “
  95. “ kiss me and you’ll find out. “
  96. “ you don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to. “
  97. “ and right now, i think you should kiss me. “
  98. “ you shouldn’t kiss me right now. “
  99. “ don’t speak, just… kiss me. “
  100. “ come kiss me. “


Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol
