#but you get the point


Kai going from reluctantly saving Benjamini to diving into a void and saving Skeet is what we call character development

Final grad season tally:

5 graduation ceremonies ✅

4 stoles ✅

3 pins ✅

2 cords ✅

1 diploma ✅


with the tags and search officially being completely broken on all platforms (no new posts are showing up in them anymore), now feels like a good time to remind everyone that the only way to help creators is to reblog their stuff. even before the tags were busted most people found new creators through their content being rebloged onto their dash, and now, at least for the time being, that will be the Only way to find and spread things.

Fast reblog is a thing, you dont have to leave comments, you dont have to leave tags, just reblog stuff if you want to keep seeing new content being posted to this site.

and as a final note, with this change likes are officially completely pointless for content creators. up till now they served to boost a posts placement in the tag searches (a post tagged #girl with 40 likes would show up higher in the search than a post tagged #girl with only 10 likes,)
