#but youre gonna wanna get into it early to prepare




Ezra x F!Reader

Rating: Teen (who am I) - OH WAIT, I’m me and this will definitely be very explicit in later chapters 

Summary: After a couple of lonely months as a new transplant to New York City, you meet Cee in your grad school writing class and hit it off immediately. Finally finding a friend, you wouldn’t risk upsetting that for the world — until she invites you over for dinner one night and you meet her guardian, Ezra. Immediately drawn to each other, you both know it would be wrong to get involved — but you just can’t help it.

A/N: Thank you to @krissologyand@javierpcna who I made read this so many times it’s embarrassing, who schooled me on punctuation and tenses and taught your girl some things and to @highsviolets​ who encouraged this idea (as with all my ideas) from the very start. This is my very first foray into Ezra - I hope you like it!

Shadows pooled in the corners of your small living room, the lamp beside you casting a golden glow that didn’t quite reach them and you sat slumped on the couch in your sweats. One hand rested on the trackpad of your laptop scrolling through the NYU student group page, your other hand cradling a bowl of mac and cheese.

It was late — later than you should be up with school starting tomorrow, and even though your eyes were getting dry from staring at the screen, you were absorbed in your task; your face illuminated in the dusk of the room. 

Your finger stroked down, the page slowly moving. 

Tuesday Night: Board Game Group

You scrunched your nose — board games had too many complicated rules these days and the people who played them were always so competitive. No thanks.

Wednesday afternoon: Watercolors

You debated this one, taking a slow bite of the pasta. As you read the description, you realized the time clashed with one of your classes. Shoot. Nevermind.

Thursday evening: Trivia Night

Eyebrows raising, you thought you might actually be good at something like that. You hesitated though, thinking of the type of people those things seemed to attract: hipsters, pop culture fanatics, oddly intense competitive types, gatekeepers. Judgmental, but true. 

Keep reading
