#buttercream gang




Requested: nope

A/N: kiddos, i cant. 

Words: 1198

Warnings: veto 

I woke up finding Y/N fast asleep next to me, I quietly got out of bed and grabbed the towel draped over the door before walking into the bathroom and getting in the shower

“Morning.” She called from the bed while she rolled over stretching.
“Morning gorgeous,” I grinned throwing the towel over the door again, “how did you sleep?” I asked as I walked over to the cupboard with a smug smile plastered on my face.

“Good, I had a dream that I could eat a lot of ice cream without being sick but then this golden retriever took one of my ice cream cones and was like ‘have a good one bro,’ but he sounded South African and he said bro like brew so I think it was my subconscious telling me it was you.” She jabbered on as I pulled on a pair of boxers.

“I’ll buy you an ice cream to make up for golden retriever me.” I chuckled and walked over to the bed before pressing a kiss on her head. “Do you want some coffee?” I asked while taking the cup from her side table, she replied with a nod.

I stood at the kettle waiting for the water to boil when she walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my torso and pressed kisses all over my shoulder blades to my spine. “Hey you.” I chuckled and poured the water into the mugs, stirring the coffee. “Thanks.” She smiled sleepily and took the mug of coffee from my hand before walking over to the couch and wrapping herself up in a blanket and reaching for the remote.

“Do you wanna watch anything? If not I’m putting the bachelor on.” She giggled and took a sip of coffee.

“Whatever, you just want to perv over all the guys.” I smirked and sat down next to her planting my legs over hers.

“No!” She whined and held on to my arm, “You’re the only one I want to perv over!”
“Oh really?” I smirked and cuddled into her side.

“Yeah, I do it almost every morning.” She teased, placing sloppy kisses on my neck and tracing a hand over my chest.

“Can’t even be naked in my own room.” I grinned as she carried on.
“Oh you absolutely can.” She mumbled between kisses, I pulled her onto my lap and peppered her face with kisses as she giggled uncontrollably.

“Well good morning to you too.” Joe said suddenly from the door causing her to jump off my lap in shock then start giggling again. “You guys are too cute.” he chuckled and walked over to the kitchen but I mean, no sex around me. Please.“

“Oh my word.” She giggled and leaned over pressing a kiss on my cheek before playing the bachelor.

“Y/N! What is this?” Joe joked as he sat down beside us with a bowl of cereal.

“Still up for ice-cream?” I leaned over and whispered in her ear. She nodded eagerly, “Come on let’s get dressed then.” I said patting her thigh and standing before taking her hand and pulling her up.


I took Byron’s hand pulling myself up before he wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked to his room. I flopped onto the bed stretching my arms. “What are you wearing?” I sighed, too lazy to get up. 

“Probably jeans and a shirt, why?” He said while digging through the clothes in his cupboard.

“All I have here is the dress I wore on Friday night.” I sighed and rolled over in irritation, “I’ve been wearing your clothes all weekend.” I chuckled as he pulled on a shirt.“

"Oh,” he said pondering for a minute, “you could wear you dress from Friday again.” He said with a cheeky smirk.
“No!” I laughed, “Absolutely not!” I exclaimed.
“Why?” He chuckled, “It looks nice.”
“Because it’s not a ‘let’s get an ice-cream on Sunday morning dress’ it’s a 'I want to get laid now dress’ so no thanks.” I giggled. He sighed and held up two pairs of jeans, I pulled myself out of bed and took the lighter pair. I slipped them on only to have them fall straight back down “fabulous babe, just fabulous.” I teased and sent him a cheeky smirk. “Do you have a belt for me?” He nodded and got up, taking one from the draw. I pulled the jeans back up and looped the belt through them, “We make such a great team!” I grinned.
He laughed then looked over at me again, “I’m glad, can you put a shirt on so we can go?”
“What if I don’t want to?” I smirked and turned to him only to have a shirt hit me in the face.
“Oh my god,” he yelled playfully making me break down in a fit of giggles, “Can you just get dressed! I want to get ice cream!” He kept yelling between laughs.
“Okay! Okay!” I gasped as my stomach ached from laughter. I walked over to Byron’s cupboard and took one of the many sugglife hoodies and pulled it over my head, “Have you even called an uber?”

“You have legs woman, use them.” He sassed making me gasp and slap his arm lightly as he walked past. “I’m kidding! But we’re walking.”
“You mean you’re walking?” I teased.
“Oh so I’m being stood up now?” He cocked an eyebrow at me.
“No you’re just going to carry me there.” I giggled and stepped out the door

“What flavor do you want love?” He asked and brushed a hand up and down my arm.
“Bubblegum please.” I smiled up at him making him press a quick kiss to the corner of my mouth.
“Can you get us a table then?” He smiled and let go of my side.

I walked to a small table in the corner of the vibrant ice cream parlor, the pastel pink and blue chairs were littered around the tables with faint music playing in the background. Byron was stood in front of the counter chatting away to the old lady while she scooped up the ice cream, I watched as he placed the money on the counter before stuffing his wallet back into his pocket and taking the two cones from the lady. He winked at me as he walked over making me chuckle and shake my head, I pulled a chair out for him as he got to the table.

“Thanks bru.” He said and plopped down in his seat before handing me my ice cream.
“Hey, it’s only a pleasure my dude.” I rolled my eyes, “what did you get?”
“Vanilla.” He simply stated before taking a big kick out the side.
“That’s so… vanilla.” I smirked, he groaned and rolled his eyes.
“We need to make this a tradition.” He sighed contently after a minute.
“Yeah, ice cream every Sunday morning.” I agreed.
“You mean ice cream sundays."He winked and nudged my arm.
"Our puns are too good today babe.” I chuckled, “I love us for being so puny.”
“I love you.” He chuckled and pressed a kiss to my cheek making blush deeply.



Requested: anon said:

Movie night part 2 please! and can I request a sick byron imagine because in the last poop scoop joe mentioned he wasn’t feeling well :( thank you

A/N: dude you cant copy and paste basically the same requests to multiple accounts, make everyone involved feel realllly awkward. but any way, hope you enjoy. 

Words: 1008

Warnings:  why, good heavens, no

I walked into Joe’s apartment and peered around the corner but no one was in the living room. I furrowed my brows in confusion and dropped my bag to the floor before walking off to Byron’s room, I opened the door quietly in case he was asleep. The curtains were still drawn closed making it harder to see wether he was asleep or not. I padded over to his bed and pulled the covers away from his face, my hand grazed his cheek causing him to stir awake. “Shh, go back to sleep love.” I hushed him and brushed a hand through his messy bed hair. “Geez babe, you’re boiling,” I said when my hand felt his forehead, “are you hot?”

“No, I’m freezing.” He groaned and pulled the covers back up to his chin.

“I think you have a fever.” I concluded as I pressed my hand to his forehead multiple times. “Have you taken something?”

“I haven’t gotten out of bed.” He said in a hoarse voice as he rolled over onto his side.

“Do you know if Joe has anything in the house for you to take?” I sighed and tugged the covers over his shoulders.

“Probably not.” He mumbled into the pillow.

I frowned and kept checking his temperature, “I’ll go get you something.” He kept his face buried in the pillows and said nothing. I left the room and closed the door behind me before I picked my bag up from the floor and headed out to get him medicine.

“Hey gorgeous, I got you medicine.” I cooed once I had got a glass of water from the kitchen for him, “I got something for your fever and something for the cold.”

“Thank you.” He mumbled sill in the same position as when I left. I walked over to him and held out a hand to pull him up, he sat up and took the glass from my hand while I placed the tablets in his other hand. He took them slowly one by one before leaning back and resting himself on the wall. I smiled softly and lay him back down on the bed before pulling my shoes off and climbing in next to him. I pulled him closer to me causing him to wrap his arms around me and put his head on my chest. I twirled my fingers through his hair as I smiled down at him, he was already falling asleep, you could tell because his frown started to fade and his breathing became deeper. He was such a child when he was sick, very whiny and cuddly, which wasn’t exactly a bad thing.

After half and hour or so Byron’s fever had not gone down at all. I shook his shoulder making him shift and groan sleepily, “Gorgeous your fever hasn’t gone down at all.” I sighed and traced a hand over his shoulder blades. “Do you think we could run you a cool bath?” I cooed as he stretched against me.

“I’ll only get out of bed if you do.” He whispered angrily, his voice going every few syllables from his sore throat.

“Well who do you think is going to run your bath.” I giggled, “come on.” I tapped his shoulder making him roll over and let me get up to run the bath.

“Is it ready?” He asked softly as he came up behind me and leaned against my back, I nodded slightly and stood up straighter. I slipped out of my clothes and stepped in the tub waiting for him to finish getting undressed. He held onto my shoulder for support as he got in, I leaned against the back of the tub as he lay between my legs with his head on my chest. I poured some water over his back and chest to try cool him down.

“No, stop, that’s fucking freezing.” He whined and snuggled closer into me.

“I know.” I said simply and carried on wiping the water over his chest. He sighed once he got used to the water, the medicine made him sleepier even though the bath wasn’t as comfortable as the bed especially since his one leg hung over the side and the other was bent against me so we could both fit in together.“

When I felt that his temperature had gone down I got up from behind him and leaned him against the tub while I quickly dried off and threw on a shirt. He got up and held onto my arm for balance, I smiled smugly at him and helped him pull on a pair of boxers and a shirt.

We went to bed after I had got us some food and he had chosen a movie, which was an agonizingly slow process because he was hardly functioning, let alone awake, I don’t even know why he decided to watch a movie because he’d be asleep in five minutes anyway. I watched from the bed as he walked around the room, fluffing his pillows, closing tiny gaps in the blinds and being really otherwise in general but I let him mess around before climbing into bed next to me because at least I was not required to do all of it. I chuckled when he finally got into bed, he ignored me and cuddled closer into my side before playing the movie and trying his best to concentrate on it and not fall asleep.

The evening ended too soon, Byron barely got through a quarter of the movie before he had fallen sound asleep on my shoulder. I put the sound down while I got comfortable, I shook my head in amusement as I lay him on his side of the bed, his hair was messily pushed to one side of his face and his cheek was damp from drooling onto my shoulder. I sighed contently once I got under the covers, I turned the lamp off and leaned over pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Good night gorgeous, I love you so much.”



Requested: nope but they sure are open ;)

A/N: might do a part 2 but let me know if you want it xx

Words: 1702

Warnings: 0

Y/N: hey boys, I’m making lasagne for dinner and watching movies all night, if any of you want to join me let me know.

 That was probably the dumbest text I ever sent to the buttercream group chat because none of the boys Would turn down food or a good movie night. That was also the best text I ever sent because from that night forward my whole life had changed.

Randyyy: Um… YES?!!

Caspy: can we watch something other than nemo this time please? 

The cheed: leave nemo out of this caspar… and Y/N, you better have a lot of popcorn this time, I was I was very disappointed in your popcorn ratio last time 

Y/N: fame has turned you into such a diva  

 Joseph: I’ll come only if I can bring a plus one  

 Y/N: Who’s your plus one?!! You know what I don’t care, just no sex on the couch 

 Joseph: thanks a lot Randy  

 Randyyy: hey, at least I got some  

Ginger ninja: if mikey’s coming I’ll bring the alcohol, can’t handle him sober  

 Mikey: nice one mate, but Im seeing a girl tonight  

Ginger ninja: have fun bud  

Y/N: so me, casp, josh, con, jack, joe and his um, friend? 

Randyyy: Yep 

Y/N: okayo see you later losers!! Love youuu! ❤️❤️❤️

I threw my phone onto my bed before getting up and pulling on a pair of sweats so I could go downstairs to get a few things for dinner. I headed out once I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail and stuffed my phone into my pocket, I needed some soda, cheese and popcorn for tonight but while I was at the store I got some hot chocolate and toothpaste because I was out. I dumped the shopping bag on my kitchen counter and started putting things in the fridge cupboard when I got home.

After watching some TV I decided I should get dinner started so it would be ready when the boys came around. I put on some music and gathered all the ingredients on the counter so I could start making the lasagne, I danced around the kitchen as I stirred and added to the pan that was busy heating on the stove. The boys loved when I invited them over because they loved my food, there was even a point when Connor was paying me to make him dinner. I layered the pasta, cheese, and meat in a dish once the meat was cooked through, I placed it in the oven then went into the living room making sure it was tidy. I took all the empty dishes to the kitchen, folded the blankets and put them in the basket at the end of the couch and I threw out all the sweet wrappers laying on the coffee table. When I was satisfied with my work I went to my room and changed out of my sweats into a t-shirt dress and brushed out my hair leaving it loose. As I was about to relax and put another episode of the show I was watching on I heard a knock on my door, “Coming!” I called and jogged over to the door.

“Hey princess, how are you?” Conor asked when I opened the door. He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he walked in, “Holy crap, that smells so good, when will it be read?” He said before I could answer him, I giggled and walked to the oven to check on the food.
“It could go for a few more minutes.” He groaned in annoyance and chuckled when he saw me raising an eyebrow at him.
“I just want to eat!” He exclaimed defensively making me shake my head as I closed the oven again.
“The rest of the boys will be over soon.” I chuckled. “Why’re you here so early anyways.” I asked checking the time seeing that he was half an hour early.
“I had a meeting and I was passing here on my way home so I came here rather than going home and coming back but I di-”

“HEY Y/N!” Caspar yelled as he, Josh and Jack walked in causing Conor and I to jump, “Y/N you shouldn’t leave your door unlocked.” Caspar commented as they all three walked into the kitchen.
“Yeah, I should lock you out.” I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug.
“Even me?” Jack asked and pretended to be hurt before he pulled Caspar off of me and engulfed me in a big bear hug.
“Aw no, how could I ever lock you out.” I cooed and gave him a squeeze before letting go and making my way to Josh who was already checking if the food was ready. “Josh you complained about Mikey but you’re already eyeing out the food.” I giggled and ducked under his arm giving him a hug.
“I can’t help that it tastes good!” he chuckled and hugged me back, “How are you?” he smiled but there was a knock at the door before I could answer him.
“I’ll be back now.” I said as he pulled his arm away allowing me to answer the door.

I opened the door expecting Joe but no one was there, just as I went to close it again he jumped out from behind the wall giving me a fright, “Joseph! I hate you!” I yelled between laughs making him laugh too.
“I’m sorry,” he said once his laughs subsided, “You look cute, what’s the occasion?” he smirked at me.
“The weather?” I chuckled making him roll his eyes. “What! It’s warm today!” I said trying to supress my laughs. Just as I was about to pull Joe in and shut the door a tall brown-haired guy appeared next to him.
“Oh Y/N/N, this is Byron.” Joe said but suddenly found something inside much more interesting as he pulled out his vlogging camera.

“Hey, I’m Byron, I’m staying with Joe, nice to mee-” at this point my brain had completely shut down and all I could think was ‘holy cow I love my friends for bringing even prettier friends over. Oh. My. Word. look at his smile, holy cow he’s adorable, and his eyes, wow. I think I’m pregnant.’
“Y/N?” he said with a frown.
“Sorry I was um… trying to remember what time I had to take dinner out.” I mumbled as a deep blush rose onto my cheeks. I motioned for him to come in then closed the door behind him, the boys had sorted their own drinks but I felt compelled to impress Byron so I ordered Josh to pour him one while I checked on the dinner one last time. Once Josh had poured Byron his drink I took the glass and offered it to him basically stealing all Josh’s credit, he stood in the kitchen watching me in amazement. I returned back to Josh’s side once the boy’s had settled in the living room, “I’m sorry okay, I just had to imprint myself in his subconscious.” I winked as he frowned down at me.
“You like him don’t you?” Josh sighed and watched as I pulled plates out the cupboard.
“What, psht, nooo.” I frowned and turned around switching the heat of the oven.
“Oh my god, you do!” he laughed before he helped me pull the lasagne out the oven.
“Thanks.” I grumbled and closed the oven door when he place the dish down on the counter.
“Aw princess, it’s such a pleasure.” He laughed and squeezed my side making me roll my eyes.
“Boys! Food!” I called making them all jump from their seats and rush to the kitchen, “Calm down it’s not going anywhere.” I chuckled and sat down on one of the chairs by the counter watching as they all excitedly lined up for food.

The boys had eaten and now Caspar and Jack were packing the dishwasher while Joe handled the popcorn. I got the movie ready and went to sit next to Joe once everyone had found their spots but Josh came from behind me and shoved me making me land on Byron’s lap, “Y/N sit with Byron, I said  I was sitting with Joe.” He said with a wink. I blushed slightly, “Sorry.” I said to Byron.
“No problem, here,” he chuckled and lifted the blanket for me, “Comfortable?” He asked, I replied with a nod. Joe played the movie and I had settled down, until my phone buzzed making both Byron and I jump, I picked it up and saw that Josh had texted me.

 Ginger ninja: At least cuddle him?? Idk but you’re being awkward

Y/N: What if he thinks I’m weird for randomly cuddling him????

Ginger Ninja: He keeps looking at you, he’s waiting to make a move. Also you’re adorable so if it doesn’t work out I’ll just be like no dude she’s just that kind of person but I highly doubt he’s going to think you’re weird. 

Y/N: okayo

 I put my phone on silent before leaning forward and sliding it onto the table and winking at Josh. I fell back into my spot and leaned into Byron’s side pretending that I had less space on my side of the couch, he lifted his arm and wrapped it around my side pulling me even closer into him. I shook off my nerves and snuggled into his side and lay my head on his chest.

 At some point I must have fallen asleep during the movie because I woke up to Byron carrying me to my room, I grumbled and buried my face further into him. “Sleep well?” He chuckled and passed the kitchen to my room, I nodded slightly and twirled the hair at the back of his neck around my fingers sleepily. He turned around opening my bedroom door with his back before making his way to my bed, he lay me down and pulled the covers over me before bending over me and pressing a kiss to my temple, “Good night sweetheart, see you tomorrow.” He said as he walked out the room and closed the door softly.



Requests: are open

Words: 716

Warnings: N/A

“Hi boys!” I called as I entered Joe’s apartment with a pile of food in my arms. “I brought lunch.” I said as I walked through to the kitchen.

“Hey gorgeous,” Byron mumbled as he walked up behind me and nuzzled his face into my neck and wrapped his arms around me. “How was your day?”

“Good, yours?” I said turning to face him but he kept his face nuzzled against me. “Hey, I want kisses!” I chuckled trying to get him to lift his head.

“Mm tired.” He mumbled against me and hugged me tighter.

“Okay well I haven’t eaten all day, so can I have some lunch while you use me as a vertical sleeping stand?” I chuckled and ruffled his hair making him frown.

“It’s three in the afternoon?” He said letting me go, I turned back to the counter where I had placed the food and started opening the box of salad.

“It sure is,” I said and mixed the salad before opening the other box.

“Why haven’t you eaten.” He frowned and leant against the counter watching me.

“I’ve had a busy day baby.” I cooed at his concern and walked around the island to grab a plate. “Where’s Joe?” I questioned grabbing three plates from the cupboard.

“He has a few meetings.” I pushed one plate back onto the pile and took the two. “Did you at least have something to drink?” He said still fixated on me not eating.

“Yes baby, I had a coffee this morning and another at about twelve.” I sighed and dished us both some lunch. “I just had a super busy, super energy draining day and I forgot to have lunch earlier.”

“Okay,” he sighed watching me before I handed him his plate and started walking over to the couch. “Thanks gorgeous.” He smiled and sat down.

“Pleasure,” I flopped down next to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “hope it’s good,” I said before looking up and seeing he had a huge mouthful already, “is it good?” I asked between laughs, he nodded and smiled widely once he had finished chewing.

Once we had finished Byron took our plates to the kitchen while I sat back on the couch and scrolled through Netflix trying to find something to watch. “What about the new episode of Rick and Morty?”

“I watched it earlier.” He said as he sat on the edge of the couch before laying back on me, putting his head on my stomach and wrapping his arms around the rest of my torso.

“Well you’re basically asleep so can I just put it on?” I joked making him chuckle against me then nod. I turned on the episode and dropped my hand to his hair, brushing it back out of his face. He watched the screen intently for a few minutes before his eyes began to fall heavy with sleep. His mouth hung slightly ajar and his legs tangled with mine. Soon I began falling sleepy, tired from the long day I had, had. I shifted slightly, getting comfortable before falling asleep with Byron still wrapped around me. 

“Morning sleepy head.” I heard as I stretched trying to wake up. “Did you have a good nap?” Joe joked looking over from the TV.

“Mhm.” I hummed and traced a finger over Byron’s arms and back.

“You guys are too cute.” He chuckled once Byron had shifted under my touch, I smiled in reply and kept my eyes on him. His hair was pushed to one side and his shirt was pulled up.

I twirled a lock of hair between my fingers and kept dragging my other hand over his arm. He soon woke up from his nap, his eyes fluttered open softly before he frowned and buried his face into me. “Hey you,” I cooed, “haven’t you slept enough.” I joked making him shake his head and look up at me with sleepy eyes. “You’re so adorable.” I smiled as he unwrapped his arms from my torso and moved up, laying his head next to mine and tangling my legs in his.

“I love you.” He whispered. “Even though I’m still angry at you for forgetting to eat.” He frowned before pressing kisses all over my face making me giggle.

And Nothing Less



Request:  Anon (*coughkate*cough) -  Love your writing! Can you do a ByronxReader where the reader is a little heavier (or just insecure) and feels out of the norm when it comes to dating Byron since many people may easily imagine someone like him to be with someone very model-like. Maybe where her and Byron go out with the boys, and she feels awkward around then until they openly accept her and love her? Sorry this request is kind of messy!

btw found your request lol

Words: 1159

Warning: body negativity

I checked my make up one last time before heading into my closet, Byron’s eyes followed my body from his position on the bed. A low whistle echoed behind me causing me to roll my eyes and mutter a “shut up.”. I could hear him shuffle off the bed and make his way to closet too. He stood in the door frame, I could feel his eyes raking over me then I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders, pressing my back into his chest as he trailed quick pecks all over my neck and shoulders. I giggled and ran my hands through the clothes hanging in front of me. I pulled out various items, holding them against me then frowning and replacing them back to the hanger.

“I love that dress!” Byron whined and I pulled the item away from my body.

“I do too, but it’s a teeny bit tight.” I sighed then pulled out another item of clothing.

“And your problem is?” he said pulling out the dress again and turning me to face him. He held the dress against me again before a warm smile fell onto his face, “See? Absolutely stunning.” He walked out to the bedroom again, feeling confident in his decision.

“I’m meeting your friends today Byron.” I said bluntly and rolled my eyes. I placed the dress back on the hanger and went on searching. “I need to look at least a little decent.”

“Pardon?” he said flatly as he sat up in bed even though he heard me clearly. He always did that when he didn’t like what you said, he especially does it when people say hurtful things, he likes seeing them squirm uncomfortably at having to repeat their words.

“Don’t ‘pardon’ me Byron.” I muttered loud enough for him to hear. “You know I have to wear something rather flattering.”

“what does ‘rather flattering’ mean?” he almost growled, “I know what you are trying to imply y/n.” he had gotten up from the bed again and was standing in the closets door frame watching me flip through the clothes.

My stomach sank at his anger, he hated when I negatively commented about myself. It came naturally to me though these days, I had spent years seeing my reflection and grimacing at what I saw. “I’m not implying anything.” I mumbled and did not dare look up at him in fear that he’ll see my facial expression screaming it was a lie.

“Then what does ‘rather flattering’ mean y/n?” he had crossed his arms as silence filled the space between us.

“It means you’re literally the model with attractive friends who also have highlyattractive girlfriends, and I’m just a pudgy nobody.” I said after a moment of silence, “Which means I want to wear an outfit that makes me feel as if I look a little less like a pudgy nobody.” I looked up at him, his face flushed red in anger and he was clenching his fists with his arms still tightly crossed over his chest. “How dare you say these things about yourself when I can say the total opposite? I think everyone you know would actually agree with me, how about we phone your mom and see what she would say about you saying such disgusting things about the beautiful girl she made and raised” I looked down in embarrassment and waited for him to stop ranting so I could forget about this and go back to finding a slimming outfit. “I do not see this pudgy nobody y/n” he said softly and reached for my hand, he laced his fingers around mine and gave it a squeeze. He then walked up behind me and faced us opposite the mirror. “You know who I see?” he didn’t give me time to answer, “a gorgeous girl with stunning eyes and a smile, soft arms and hands…” a smirk flashed into his face, “lovely long legs and gorgeous curves right over-”

“Okay Langley.” I cut him off as his hands started roaming down my sides.

The smirk faded from his lips, “But do you understand? You are literally the only person that thinks up those negative comments. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever meet, you make heads turn when you walk into a room.” he turned me to face him as he praised me, “I have to give guys the death stare, so they don’t steal you from me.”. I giggled making him smile as he cupped my face in his hands, “You are beautiful and nothing less.” He mumbled before pressing a firm kiss to my lips.

He pulled back and stared at me trying to figure out my expression, “Sorry.” I muttered embarrassed before shifting my gaze back to the floor.

“Don’t be baby, you just need to learn that your much more than those stupid thoughts you come up with and definitely more that appearance.” He gave my hand a squeeze as I nodded softly. “You are so funny, charming and intelligent and if you think people, especially my friends would think otherwise just based on your looks you must be crazy.” He pulled out the dress again and placed it in my arms, “So please put this on for me because it looks absolutely stunning on you and please don’t ever hurt your feelings because it hurts me more than it hurts you.” He pressed a sweet kiss to mt fore head and walked back out to the bedroom.

I pulled on the dress and smiled as I realised how good it really looked. I walked out into the bedroom earning another whistle from Byron as I stood in front of the bed modelling my outfit. I tried to hide the redness rising onto my cheeks as he gawked at me. He chuckled and got and pressed a cheeky kiss to my temple before grabbing the car keys and leading us out my apartment to Joe’s where we would meet everyone for dinner.

Byron entered the building code and held my hand in his as we went up the elevator to Joe’s floor. He opened the door causing a rumble of conversations to drift into the hallway, I heard various greetings to Byron being yelled through the apartment before I stepped in through the door.  The room fell to a silence with everyone’s mouth hanging wide open.

“You didn’t mention she was a this attractive!” Jack accused, breaking the silence causing the rest of the room to mumble in agreement.

Byron smiled brightly then introduced me to everyone. I knew most of them from their videos anyways but it felt good to finally meet them.

“Well Byron you won big time, a hilariously funny sweetheart, you better treat her well.” Conor lectured just before he was about to leave.

“Oh don’t worry I will.” He said smiling at me then pressing a kiss to my lips and Conor said his goodbyes.



Request:  anon-  Can you do an imagine where the reader and byron have a little argument and it ends up all cute and stuff? Thank you❤️


Anon - hey love, can we do something with y/n being a huge science nerd and just cute rambles to byron about class and stuff? ty <3

A/N: these requests worked so well in this and idk why???

Words: 2269 - aye

Warnings: mentions of alcohol  

“Well hurry up before they hear us!” I whisper shouted from the door of Joe’s apartment. Him, Jack and Caspar were filming so Byron decided it was safe for him and I to go out for lunch and spend some time together as we hadn’t told anyone there was something happening between us yet.

“I’m coming, let me just get my shoe on.” He chuckled. “okay,” he announced and stretched out his leg, ‘’come on, let’s go.” He stood up from the stairs and pulled me from the door causing it to close behind us. “How are you?” He smirked and pressed a warm kiss to my temple.

“Good, I got an A for that essay I wrote.” I smiled as I filled him in on all my news.

“And you thought you were going to do badly.” He groaned as he rolled his eyes making me giggle and hug his side. “What do you want to do?” He sighed once we had finished sharing our news with each other ,when we got out the elevator.

“I thought we were just gonna go to my place?” I frowned and took his hand in mine as we stood outside Joe’s flat block contemplating which way to go.

“Mm, I feel like doing something different.” He hummed and tugged me the opposite direction from my flat.

“That sounds a bit dangerous but okay,” I giggled and leaned into him again, “we can go to that place down the street, you know, the one with that pasta? What is it called again?”

“I don’t know, you tell me.” He said smugly and draped an arm around my shoulder.

“I can’t remember the name, but you’ll know it when you see it.” I giggled and directed us towards the restaurant.

“So then I told her, no, you can’t sniff the hydrochloric acid. Then she was like, then how am I supposed to know if it’s water or not then I said, and I quote, “how the hell are you getting your masters if you can’t read a fucking label.” I explained as Byron took another bite of food. “Then she sniffed it like 15 minutes after we had that discussion and she was surprised when it burnt her nose, throat and lungs?”

“I really want to come to class with you one day.” He chuckled as he wiped some pasta sauce off his face.

“No, you don’t.” I retorted before taking a bite of food. “It’s horrible, despite being in such an advanced class, I’m still surrounded by morons.” I said with a mouthful of lasagne.

He put a hand on my thigh reassuringly, “I need to make sure you’re not trying to get high off acid.” He said concerned making me laugh.

“If I promise you I’m not trying to sniff acid will you promise me you’ll never come to class, you’ll be killed either by those idiots.” I said pretending to be serious.

“Deal.” He said between hysterics, holding out his pinky he wrapped his around mine sealing his deal. “Enjoying your lunch?” He asked and squeezed my thigh.

I hummed as I swallowed my last bite, “Mhm, I got my favorite.” I said smiling and looking over at him smugly before I got distracted from someone walking into the restaurant. I choked slightly on my food when I realized it was Joe, Caspar and Jack.

“What? Oh god.” He said once he had looked up. “Please don’t see us.” He mumbled, making me chuckle.

“Am I that ugly?” I said turning slightly so they couldn’t see my face or Byron if they looked towards us.

he grinned widely, “Yeah, I can’t believe I’m even here with you geez.” He smirked and squeezed my thigh again reassuring me that he was only joking.

“I knew it, at least I only wanted you for sex, so no hard feelings?” I questioned playfully and started leaning in to kiss him when someone dropped into the booth opposite us.

“Hey guys!” A dorky South African cheered, too focused on the other two tagging along behind him rather than Byron and I’s almost-kiss.

“Hey bru,” Byron said as I sat back, a deep blush rising onto my cheeks. “I thought you guys were filming?” He questioned once the other two and settled down into the booth.

“And by your text Byron, I thought you were ‘just heading out to get milk’ even though I bought a full bottle last night.” Joe joked and settled down in between Caspar and jack.

“He was, and then I invited him to lunch.” I said quickly trying to cover up for him. “Just tagging along that’s all.”

“So you would have had lunch alone? That’s very unlike you Y/N.” Jack shot back with a cheeky smirk playing on his face.

“Why are you guys interrogating us?” I giggled and looked over at Byron who had the same baffled look washed over his face. “Byron and I are just having lunch.” I stated again hoping they would drop the topic.

“Well we’re just a little confused.” Caspar laughed causing the other two to look at each other knowingly like they knew about our whole plan.

I ignored them and started eating again, which I think threw them off. Joe cleared his throat and picked up a menu, “Can we join you though?” he sighed and looked at our half-eaten meals.

I looked over at Byron who had a smirk plastered on his face as he looked back at me, “Sure bru,” Byron chuckled and took my hand in his under the table. The boys ordered lunch and managed to prevent each other teasing Byron and I. It soon felt as if the other three had not even joined us for lunch, Byron shrugged off the fact that our closest friends were sitting just opposite us and carried on talking like we usually would with out them around. I replied cautiously, trying not to attract attention from the other three but they were all too focused on their lunch or own conversations to be fully aware of ours.

“So wanna go to Winter Wonderland Friday night?” Byron asked nonchalantly  just after he swallowed the last bite of his meal. “Just you and me.” He added.

“You are really testing the waters here Langley.” Something I only ever did call him when I was being serious, he knew he was pushing it but to be honest he did not want our relationship to be a secrete anymore.

He hated the way we had to sneak around our best friends just to get some alone time or how we had to ‘coincidentally’ meet up and to be fair there are only so many times you can ‘coincidently’ meet. I agreed with him, I hated it as much as he did. I hated that I couldn’t yell out to the whole world “Byron Langley is my boyfriend!”, because if I could I would. Even though we both wanted our feelings for each other to be known, we wanted to make sure it was serious and that we could handle the response from all the boys’ fans. At this point we just needed to be there for each other but it was getting more and more difficult to make excuses to see each other and make up reasons as to why were always being seen together.

He sighed heavily, “Maybe I want to test the waters Y/N.” the whole mood had shifted and there was a tension starting to form around us. “Don’t you?” he added bitterly.

The other three boys were starting to listen in to the conflict but Byron and I ignored them as we spat remarks at each other. “I don’t know why you’re in a bad mood with me.” I commented instead of answering his question.

“You were the one who is so concerned about them hearing us, I don’t really care if they hear me talking to you, but it’s fine, I understand if you don’t want to be associated with me.” He said and leaned back away from me.

“Don’t twist my words Byron.” I warned sternly.

“I’m not twisting your words Y/N, I’m just stating what you think of us, this.” He said gesturing between us.

I scoffed and stood up from my seat, “I’m going to go,” I said to Caspar, Joe and Jack. “Byron, when you’re ready do you want to come home so you can carry on telling me how shit I treat this relationship?”  a wave of shock and realization hit the other three sitting opposite Byron. They did not utter a word though, they did not know how to help the situation so they stayed silent as the conflict went back and forth. “So I’ll see you at home, or are you going to go sulk in your music room with a bottle of tequila and a shot glass, because that’s only going to make the situation wors-”

“Y/N call an uber for home, I’ll be there in five.” He interrupted, he was eerily monotonous which sent chills up my spine.

I was left speechless so I took my phone from the table and walked out onto the side walk as I called an uber. I watched through the restaurant’s window as he pulled out his wallet and gave Joe some money to cover the bill. I knew I took the argument too far, there was no way we were going to fix this fight easily, if I were to guess, this fight would probably get worse once we got to my place. I turned to face the road as I waited a few moments for the uber to show up. I jumped when Byron walked up beside me and sighed deeply. We remained silent until the uber pulled up in front of us, Byron stepped forward first and opened the door before stepping back and letting me get in first. He sat beside me brewing his thoughts and feelings, I didn’t dare say anything, I didn’t want to until I knew we were home. When we got to my flat block we got out and went up the elevator to my floor then down the hall to my place. No words were shared between us as we made our way to my flat.

He opened the front door and stood back holding it open for me step inside. I mumbled a thank you then walked over to the kitchen and dropped my bag onto the work top.

“What was that Y/N,” he was not shouting but his voice held a stern and disappointed tone, making it feel worse than being yelled at. I didn’t reply, I just looked down at the work top trying to think of a reasonable answer. “Why didn’t you just go home, you basically told them I’m an alcoholic and don’t tell me that I twisted your words. You make your feelings very evident Y/N and I was only saying what you were thinking.” He started getting angry again. I felt my throat tighten but I refused to let a tear fall. “You are always the one pushing me away for a hug or swatting my hand away. It’s really clear that you don’t want to be seen with me Y/N.”

“No,” I choked, tears were starting to blur my vision and I could feel my nose starting to run. “I want to be with you, I want to tell the world we’re together but it scares me. I mean I’ve seen everything Zoe and Alfie went through, it’s not always pretty Byron.” My voice strained as I tried not to cry but the tears threatened to spill at any moment.

He leaned against the kitchen work top, facing opposite me, he tugged on the ends of his hair in frustration and he let out a deep sigh. “Well isn’t that the point, to go through things together and be there for each other?” He sarcastically chuckled, “What irritates me more Y/N is that you’re trying to hide us from our friends and family too.”

That’s when the tears started to run, when I realized this could be our last conversation and that this could be the end of something beautiful. He turned away from me and walked to the window, he stared out onto the street with his back towards me. I could tell he was furious, he never turned his back to anyone unless he was trying to calm himself.

He chuckled again and stayed silent for a moment or two, “You call the shots now Y/N, say the words and I’ll leav-“

“I love you,” I said cutting him off, he turned around and stared at me. “I love you, Byron.” I said again after a moment of silence.

His face warmed as he stepped forward. He pulled me in and wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his chest, leaving wet marks on his shirt. He shushed me and pulled us toward the couch before collapsing on to it, I curled up into his lap and tried to calm my crying.

“I was scared of losing you,” I said between a sob. “I don’t want to lose you.”

He held me tighter and pressed a kiss on the top of my head, “You’re not losing me, you’ll never lose me. I’m right here, you’re okay.” I looked up at him, he brushed the hair out my face and wiped the tears of my cheeks with his T-shirt. “I love you too, Y/N/N.”



Request:  anon- hi ok I’m living for Byron imagines ! can you do one where you’re both scared to act upon your feelings so the boys make you play a game of truth or dare because they’re aware of your feelings and something needs to happen

Words: 1170

“Hello everyone! Today I’m joined with Caspar, Josh, Oli, Mikey, Conor, Byron, Jack and Y/N!” Joe pointed to each of us while he said his intro, “Today we are playing a classic game of truth or dare, if you don’t know what that is, where is your childhood? And it’s literally in the name.” he chuckled, “I asked you guys to send in some truths and dares, some of them more brutal than others.” He commented. “Okay so I’ll start and then we’ll go from there?” there was a chorus of agreement from everyone in return

“Well then, Oli, truth or dare?” He said looking over at Oli who was sat right next to him.

“Dare?” He questioned, unsure of his decision.

“Well Oli, your dare is to down a raw egg,” Joe laughed as he read out the tweet. Oli groaned and walked off to the kitchen only to return with a glass full of raw egg. He sat down and looked at the camera dramatically before quickly swallowing the egg. Everyone groaned in disgust as he finished drinking it, he put the glass on the table after exclaiming repeatedly how awful it was. I turned back to the camera with a displeased frown as the rest of the boys laughed at my reaction.

“Caspar,” Oli called between laughs, “Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” He replied also trying to supress his laughter. Oli took Joe’s phone from his hands and scrolled through the tweets.

“this is a good one,” he chuckled and leaned back into his seat, “I dare you to lick Josh’s foot from top to bottom!” he fell into a fit of laughter.

“Joe I don’t think I want to film with you anymore.” I interrupted. He just laughed and shook his head before Caspar went on with the dare. I sat back and watched as Josh nonchalantly lifted his foot up to Caspar’s  face.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this” he muttered and held Josh’s ankle as he leant in. the rest of the boys were between wetting themselves from laughter and nearly throwing up. I turned away too revolted to watch on, I was facing Byron who had also looked away from the scene, he looked down at me and gave me an empathetic smile before giving my hand a squeeze. I turned back to try hide the blush that was rising to my cheeks. Caspar had licked most of Josh’s foot before he got up to get a glass of water while everyone cheered him on.

The dares were getting closer and closer to me and I was really not up for licking any body part or drinking any strange substances. Conor and Byron were the only ones left before I had to do a dare and I was getting antsy. Caspar turned to Conor and flashed him a cheeky grin once everyone settled down again.

“Dare Caspar.” He sighed before Caspar could ask him. Caspar took the phone from Oli and scrolled through the tweets. He chuckled, obviously finding a good dare, “I dare you to let Jack call your mom and tell her you got a girl pregnant.” He laughed.

Jack chuckled and pulled his phone out his pocket before phoning his mom. Everyone leant in as the call engaged waiting for her to answer. She finally picked up, a cheery hello sounded from the phone, “hey mom, can you talk?” he said with a huge grin plastered on his face even though he sounded serious.

“Of course, what’s wrong?” she answered quickly, clearly hearing the (fake) concern laced between his words.

“Mom, Conor has gotten this girl pregnant and he said he’s moving to a Caribbean island with her and raising the kid in a jungle so he can play in the next Tarzan movie.” He sighed. His mom caught onto the prank and hung up on him causing the Maynard brothers to laugh uncontrollably

“I think you need to phone mom later.” Jack told his brother while he shook his head.

“She’s going to hate me.” He rolled his eyes but kept laughing. “I’m going to be disowned.”

“Whose turn is it?” Mikey questioned leaning forward in his seat trying to figure out the next victim of Joe’s video.

“Byron, then me.” I nervously chuckled, the rest of the boys glanced at each other knowingly while Byron and I were hit with a wave of panic and realization for what we were in for.

“Byron, I dare you to-”

“What if I wanted truth?” Byron interrupted causing Conor to roll his eyes.

“Well now you don’t want a truth, bitch.” Conor sassed making the room erupt in laughter, “we dare you to kiss Y/N.” I sat up at the mention of my name, we shared a confused glance before he shrugged.

“No strings?” he said as he leant in but Conor pulled him back and gave us both a stern look.

“No, there are strings, lots of them. Now connect those strings.” He spoke slowly and seriously almost as if he wanted us to understand him clearly. The rest of the boys nodded in agreement and watched on eagerly. Byron shrugged again and smirked before leaning in, the same excitement and panic was still flushing through my body in anticipation. His lips met mine and he kissed me softly, I smiled into the kiss and leaned further in. One of the boys coughed awkwardly making us pull apart quickly, a blush crept onto our cheeks as the boys celebrated.

“Before we get too carried away! Y/N, Byron!” Joe called between the chaos, “Truth. Have both of you wanted this to happen for a while?” We both kind of nodded but when we saw each other agreeing we had giddy smiles plastered on our face.

“We knew it!” Caspar yelled causing the whole room to erupt into chaos again. I kept covering my face in embarrassment as they exclaimed how much they knew we had feelings for each other.

“Oi shut up!” Joe yelled making the whole room go silent, “That’s it for this weeks video.” Joe chuckled, “There was enough drama in there to last an entire months worth of videos. See you next week with another Sugg Sunday Special.” He did his sign off and chuckled as he went off to turn off the camera. “I’m glad our speculations were right or else this video would have been a total fail.” He laughed.

“How long have you guys known?” I asked as I got up and stretched my arms up.

“A month or more at least.” Josh sighed as him and Jack followed behind Joe, helping put away all the filming equipment

“How?” I exclaimed with a worried frown.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back onto the couch, “You say that like you didn’t enjoy them making us kiss.” Byron whispered in my ear once I was pulled onto his lap.

“No,” I smirked, “Just curious.” I chuckled and pressed my lips to his.


Requested:  Can you do a Dating Byron Would Include? There isn’t any and I really really need one. If possible can you just put some in the answer to this??? Thanks vvv much

A/N: i actually wanted to do this at some point so thanks for requesting, also sorry for not writing it in the answer it was just a bit long so i wanted to put a keep reading thingy in.

Words: 830

Warnings: I’d love to but I’m teaching my dog how to yodel. 

- Him cuddling into the crook of your neck while he sleeps with his arms wrapped around you tightly.

- Always waking up before him and tracing patterns all over his arms and shoulders.

- Him pressing soft kisses on your neck as he starts to wake up.

- He would always insist on getting out of bed before you just to make you a cup of coffee.

- You would wear his shirts to bed as much as possible.  

- Spontaneously kissing the corners of his mouth when he smiles or laughs.

- You always fetching his glasses in the evening when you two are watching tv because he forgot them next to the bed.

- Falling asleep on the couch in each other’s arms.

- Him buying you flowers at any possible chance he gets.

- You rolling your eyes every time he shows up to your door with another bunch of flowers in his hands.

- “Our love is like a cactus, it never dies.” He said when he showed up to your apartment with a cactus for the first time.

- “I don’t care! I don’t need more plants!” You’d groan, “but at least I can keep a cactus for longer than a bunch of roses.” You’d chuckle.

- Him always helping with dinner.

- Slow dancing in the kitchen when you’re waiting for the oven to heat up.

- Going to many, many, many concerts.

- Sharing showers because “we have to show our support for South Africa’s drought.”

- Him buying tickets for your favourite band even though he doesn’t like them that much.

- Him saving all the blue jelly beans for you because they’re your favorite.

- Laying between his legs when all the boys come over because there’s no space on the couch and him playing with your hair as he talks to the rest of the boys while you drift off to sleep.

- His breath tickling you every time he laughs or talks.

- You fidgeting between his legs trying to get comfortable and once you’re still he whispers a soft, “you okay?” In your ear and when you nod he presses a kiss to your temple and carries on talking to the boys.

- Standing next you each other in front of the mirror while you brush your teeth.

- Him bumping you when you’re not paying attention causing a muffled laugh to escape him when he sees the stripe of toothpaste drawn across your cheek.

- “Bru… I mean babe”

- Him taking you to South Africa every year for Christmas with his family.

- Holding hands when you cross the road.

- His hair always smelling like your shampoo.

- Him always putting a hand on your thigh while you drive and visa versa.

- Him asking you to take a bath with him at your flat just so he can use one of your bath bombs from your collection.

- Having Polaroids of each other stuck up on the wall of your room.

- Pillow talk usually ending up with ironic debates on what to name your kids on day.

- Cheeky and often not so discreet bum slaps, pinches, taps and holding.

- Him getting along insanely well with your family.

- You walking into the living room and holding a jar in front of him for him to open.

- Him always looking really confused for a split second before he chuckles in realization and opens the jar effortlessly.

- You thanking him with a kiss before you return to the kitchen.

- Him always bringing you your favourite candy when he comes over once you’ve come home from work.

- Very obscure inside jokes.

- Brushing your fingers through his hair at any chance you get.

- Going for walks in the park every weekend after he takes you out for breakfast.

- You and him laughing at each other’s jokes or antics until your stomachs ache.

- Not even checking with each other before you order food because you know each other’s orders off by heart.

- The boys loving your company and always wanting to film with you because you are so vibrant and funny.

- You always giving him your milkshakes to finish because you ate to much.

- Walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night and pulling his boxers down and putting your feet on his bum to warm them up as he groans in annoyance and pulls his boxers back up before wrapping his arms around you tightly and laying on top of you so you can’t do it again.

- You pulling up your shirt when you lying next to him and him not even getting excited because he knows he’s only going to end up giving you back tickles but he happily does it anyway.

- Loving each other no matter what and always wanting to give each other the world.
