#byron widner

This Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2011 photo shows former skinhead Bryon Widner at his home. For 16 years, Widne
This Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2011 photo shows former skinhead Bryon Widner at his home. For 16 years, Widner was a glowering, strutting, menacing vessel of hate - an “enforcer” for some of America’s most notorious skinhead groups. Hellbent on destruction, he had symbols of racist violence tattooed on his face. Though his beliefs had changed, leaving the old life would not be easy when it was all he had known - and when his face remained a billboard of hate. Widner and his family are rebuilding their lives in an undisclosed location. He suffers migraines and other pains as a result of the extensive and painful surgeries to remove racist tattoos. But, he says, “it’s a small price to pay for being human again.”

Read Part One of story here.

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