#c and d


Tw scat fic! Messing specifically.

Imagine if C is a lazy slob of a gamer. C’s been on a tournament all week, stuck at their desk and, unintentionally, stuffing themself to the brim with junk food and soda. At the end of the week C was sitting at their desk with a computer in front of them, and their gamer partner, D, is just about to leave for a new and fancy fob interview. C is… a bit bloated to say the least. Their poor tummy is round and gurgling loudly, and it had been a good hour since C grunted and paused their game just long enough to undo their jeans, letting their swollen gut fill out more space.

“… Are you sure you’re okay, C?” D asked worriedly, adjusting their dress they came to stop and glanced at the grumbling stomach that even C’s shirt couldn’t contend with. The shirt rode up, displaying C’s bellybutton and the taut skin clear as day. “I can stay home and reschedule if that would be better for you.”

C glanced to D distractedly, hardly paying attention to their own gut short of the discomfort that was very clearly moving downwards.

“I’m alright D,” C waved off, looking back at their game, but when D stayed further C glanced back to reassure them for at least a few seconds. “Trust me- it’s just gas. I’ve chugged about three bottles of this shit and it’s just coming back to bite.”

D sighed, knowing they wouldn’t get anything more out of C and glanced at their watch.

“… If you’re sure. I gotta run, but call me if you need me.”

C gave a noncommittal grunt in response and soon they heard the door close, immediately returning to their gaming. Soon, however, C shifts on their seat at the insistent pressure building in their gut, a growl of annoyance falling from their lips. Their gaze was focused on the screen, their fingers flicking and pressing buttons at a rapid speed to get higher and higher up the levels.

Finally C was gonna beat this freaking level!!

The gas in C’s stomach suddenly shifted with a loud gargle, sending a sharp pain to their stomach making C gasp right as they made it to the boss level. Immediately they passed it off and tried to breathe through it, determined to make it through this level!! Then C would rub and soothe their upset stomach.

Finally the pain was unbearable though, a line of sweat beading on C’s forehead even as- as they got to the last boss fight!!!! A firmness sparked as C just suddenly leaned forwards so their ass lifted off their chair, pushing with all their might as their fingers moved on pure rapid instinct.

A wet shart filled the air as C grunted, letting it out long as hard as they honed in on their game. They hardly even noticed when the need changed to something… far more insistent until they pushed again and something hard and painful pushed at their hole.Absentmindedly their noted that it was faaar bigger than their hole… tough and solid.

Fuck this boss was hard to beat- C’s life was 50% down and this far they couldn’t afford to stop.

C suddenly sucked in their stomach and began pushing, then slackening so the massive log slipped back in some before PUSHING again. Inch by inch the thick mass causing C so much pain squeeezed it’s way out- and bit by but the boss was losing life from a rapid burst of attacks!!!

A loud gasp fell from C’s lips as pain tore at their asshole as the thick log battled against their underwear, their character taking major damage. This was it!!! C arched their back, a groan wrenching from their lips as the thick log plunked into their underwear and the boss fell.

FINALLY!!! After weeks and weeks of hard work at the computer!!! The battle was won!!!!

C collapsed back into their chair, panting lightly as the hard log slipped into their buttcrack. A pleased smile crossed their lips as C dropped their head back, listening to the sweet sounds of congratulations from their game.

That felt good…

Their stomach suddenly groaned and this time C just sighed in relief and merely lifted their hips, figuring their pants were already soiled. Soft warm liquid immediately shot out at the permission given with a pain to rival the hard log… but this time C discarded their controller and set their hands upon their swollen stomach. Their tummy deserved some attention to ease the cramps, and although a chorus of moans and pained grunts filled the air as C worked the build up of shit out, C was still overjoyed at the accomplishment of beating their video game. Far too much to care!
