#c u t e



With great excitement I announce I got a drawing tablet!! I’m officially getting into the digital art family ^^ (Of course my first drawing has to do with my two most favourite characters and it’s just a sketch of mine drawn over with MS paint, but I had to start somewhere XD)

P.S. This is my actual first digital drawing:

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yuramec:I made a bunch of chibi skeletons froms different universes.  Hope you like them yuramec:I made a bunch of chibi skeletons froms different universes.  Hope you like them yuramec:I made a bunch of chibi skeletons froms different universes.  Hope you like them yuramec:I made a bunch of chibi skeletons froms different universes.  Hope you like them


I made a bunch of chibi skeletons froms different universes.  Hope you like them

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edlynbot: commission for the lovely @tinystumps


commission for the lovely @tinystumps

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this is genuinely one of the worst drawings i have ever made but in posting it anyways

enjoy ig
