
Corner of Fish Street, Fishtown. On the West Coast of the main body of Caberworld, just a little up

Corner of Fish Street, Fishtown.

On the West Coast of the main body of Caberworld, just a little up from the centre line, there is a delightful little town.
Known for its varied restaurants (predominantly catering to those with a palate for all things piscine!), Fishtown is also popular with those who seek a little break from the main city further down the coast.
It’s beaches are peaceful and sunny, good for a bit of a paddle and a splosh. There are several small hotels that take in the fresh salt air, good for a relaxing snooze. (Even slightly taller hotels for those of a more human persuasion!)
A bit of a boardwalk rounds out the rest of the sea breeze benefits, with a winding pier attached.
In the winter months it is somewhat less active, but the fish dishes are good all year round!

I enjoyed the challenge of constructing this urban perspective!
I am quite fond of double vanishing-points, but haven’t really tried it in pen and ink before. This marks the second illustration in a larger scale with numerous Cabers. :)
(The starting point of this image stems from a challenge to be inspired by a somewhat maligned band.. (reasons only known to Rob himself!) I was stumped, until I looked at some of their album covers! :D)

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