#cabinet of dr caligari

magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920. magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920. magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920. magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920. magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920. magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920. magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920. magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920. magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920. magictransistor:Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920.


Robert Wiene. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. 1920.

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Weiner Krauss Date Unknown …should you arrive here, of being able to visit the Cabinet of Dr.

Weiner Krauss Date Unknown

…should you arrive here, of being able to visit the Cabinet of DrCaliglowry without any unpleasant sense of grinding the face of the poor.

Letter to Gerald Noxon  November 2nd 1940

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From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr.Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ You Can’t Look Away. In many ways, Caligari illustrates the power of silent cinema to entrance and captivate the viewer in ways that sound film cannot. A silent film is halfway between a sound film and a novel, engaging the viewer’s imagination and asking them to add their own voices to the tale. I guess you will become Caligari. Movies’s Silently Score: ☆☆☆☆☆. Where Can I See It? The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari has received a gorgeous restoration on DVD and Blu Ray from Kino Lorber ( I’m a fan of a lot of what they produce in silent cinema, foreign cinema and golden age Hollywood classics & other interesting genres like Jean Rolan’s French Vampire movies. These comments specifically are my own and not Fritzi Kramer’s. The above is her review and recommendation. I’m just stating what I find valuable and likable about Kino Lorber the NY DVD/Blu Ray Company. From my homestate) . The screencaps in this review were taken by a earlier release. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer of Movies Silently.Com). This concludes our coverage of this film. I know a sigh of relief. Now back to our regular coverage until the next movie review.

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ IT CREATES IMMERSIVE VIEWING EXPERIENCE. A commitment to its aeshetic. The film creates an off kilter world and dedicates itself to it. The art of silent cinema is an advantage in this case. After all, what voices could possibly suit the crazy characters? The addition of sound might ruin the delicate balance of the film. Don’t believe me? There was a nearly shot for shot sound remake in 2005. Meh. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer of Movies Silently.Com).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: ABOUT THOSE INTERPRETATIONS…So much to unpack. But if you want to, you can discuss the different meanings as much as you like! In fact, the multiple ways that it can be interpreted means that each viewer can make the film their own personal property. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer of Movies Silently. Com).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr.Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description:

IT IS PLOTTED LIKE A MYSTERY… OR SO IT SEEMS . Who is the killer? Does it matter? While half the fun of watching Caligari is playing around with the many different interpretations, the plot is clear enough to be viewed like a conventional film. Viewers can enjoy the mystery aspects and the twist ending as - is. This makes the film more approachable than some other films. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer of Movies Silently. Com).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ So Why Do We Love It? Irresistible! If you stopped a random person on the street and asked them to watch a silent German Art film, they would probably give you a resounding "NO!” So why do many people, even people who not necessarily like German cinema or silent films, enjoy Cabinet of Dr. Caligari? Here are a few of my ideas of why even non film buffs enjoy the film. I’m not talking about the film’s historical significance or even it’s influence on other films. Just why John and Joan Q. Public embrace it. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer and her Movies Silently. Com). Note: For the answer tune in tomorrow if anyone is even following these posts at all, on this topic for the answers. Meanwhile , I’m going to relax. Signing off with this post. How unusual from our normal sign-offs. And yes I will get back to what you normally see in here. But old films of different eras is what I cover also.

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description:“ The Look: Caligari Is In The Expressionist Style. There is some disagreement on just who exactly decided that Caligari would adopt this style. There is also disagreement on what other films can be called "EXPRESSIONIST”. Expressionism is an art movement that originated in Germany in the early 20th century. It is defined as “a theory or practice in art seeking to depict the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist. A Distinctive Creative Vision. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’s distinct visual style has influenced countless filmmakers, some more than others. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer of Movies Silently. Com).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ Francis Murdered Alan And This Is His Way Of Coping With The Guilt. We never see the killer’s face. I don’t know where I read this theory but I rather like it. Alan’s murder is portrayed by shadow’s alone, the murderer is not seen. Is it possible that Francis is not as benevolent as he seems ? That he is insanely jealous of Alan’s attentions to Jane (or another woman that Jane has come to symbolize in his mind,unless Jane herself went mad) and will kill to keep her to himself. And the whole narrative is a way of reconciling his guilt ? "I didn’t murder my friend, it was Cesare and Caligari! ” So the film is an examination of a mind driven to madness by guilt". (Captions by Fritzi Kramer of Movies Silently. Com).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ This Film Is About World War 1 And Cesare Symbolizess It’s Soldiers. Don’t Make Me Unleash My Somnambulist. According to Masterpieces of Modernist Cinema (check online sources) Caligari is the repressed memories of the recent Great War (World War 1) Cesare, like a soldier, kills on command and his sole refusal to kill costs him his life. Frued wrote that a soldier’s warrior ego could threaten his peacetime ego. Caligari reflects this split personality. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer of Movies Silently. Com).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr.Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ It Reflects Fears Of Mind Control. Who’s In Control? According to Weimar Cinema (check online sources), Caligari was taping into the psychological vogue of discovering just how suggestible the human mind is, particularly under hypnosis. Doctors would perform stage performances, ostensibly for science, which demonstrated their ability to have a normal person commit a crime, even a violent crime under hypnosis. So- called hypnotic crime was very popular in post war literature. And, due to the very nature of the post war motion picture, the film- going audiences are themselves spellbound and become part of the experiment”. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer of Movies Silently. Com).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ It Symbolizess An Entire World Out Of Balance. Is The Whole World Out Of Balance? According to a A Critical History of German Film (check online sources),Caligari is ambiguous as to whether Francis is mad or is the doctor sane or vice versa. The set- bound Film creates its own-out -of whack world, that is twisted and unnatural. In the end, this funhouse mirror of a motion picture makes it impossible to believe that it is a simple tale of the mind of a madman. The whole world is mad”. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ It Is A Premonition Of Hitler? A Proto- Hitler? That’s not me being melodramatic, that is how the film is described in Caligari To Hitler (check online sources). The original authors of the scenario Carl Meyer and Hans Janowitz , envisioned Caligari as an attack on authoritarianism, in German society. Caligari stands for unlimited authority, and Cesare symbolized the common man, driven to murder but a victim himself. However, at Fritz Lang’s suggestion, director Robert Weine added the frame story that would invert the meaning of the tale and turn it from a revolutionary film to a conformist one. This theory has since been called into question as early drafts of the story do not support the author’s claims. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “Caligari debates can get weird. Here are just a few to browse. They are extremely abbreviated so go to the cited source if you want more details. Choose to believe the one you like. Or more than one since these theories are not necessarily mutually exclusive”.

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ Flashbacks and footage demonstrating a narrative were quite common in the language of cinema in 1920. The Cesare Show: In addition to the main set design, the most popular element in Caligari is Cesare the somnambulist. Not to take away from the wonderful performances of the rest of the cast, of course, but Cesare remains in people’s minds. Why , you ask? Well, because he looks like this, A Goth Girl’s Dream. In short, nothing looked like Cesare in motion pictures in 1920. The character has often been imitated but never matched for impact. Is it just his looks that make him a memorable character? No,there’s more to it. First, Conrad Veidt’s creepy yet poignant performance, as the unwilling killer makes the character believable. Costar Lil Dagover,stated that Veidt stayed in his role between scenes, and would frighten other cast members with his lurking. Finally, the ambiguous nature of Cesare’s place in the story makes the character even more memorable.

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. : “Francis ends his narrative in the asylum. But wait, isn’t that Cesare, isn’t he dead? And Jane thinks she’s a Queen. What’s going on? The asylum director enters, it is Caligari. Now matters are clear (or are they?) Francis is insane. Caligari looks at his patient and vows to cure him… How benevolent is this Caligari? In addition to it’s distinct visual style, Caligari was notable for being one of the first films to use an unreliable narrator. It is, however not the first film to use a frame story, as is sometimes stated. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer of Movies Silently. Com).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ”. Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ Francis becomes consumed with finding Alan’s murder. He suspects Cesare at once but Caligari is carefully covering his tracks. It is only when the somnambulist attacks Jane ( and dies in the attempt) that the crime is finally linked to the doctor. Francis pursues him into a insane asylum and discovers that he is the asylum director! With the help of the hospital staff, Francis is able to uncover Caligari’s terrible experiments and the doctor himself is committed. It is the end of Caligari…or is it ? ( Captions by Fritzi Kramer).

From 1920. “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” . Silent German Horror Film. German Expressionist Cinema. Starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt. Released on February 26,1920. Description: “ But wait. Go back. How did Cesare know when Alan was going to die ,you ask? Well, oddly enough, a shadowy and very Cesare like figure creeps into Alan’s room and stabs him. Never ask when you are going to die. Never a good idea. (Captions by Fritzi Kramer).
