



Love Eases the Aches

Alec and Magnus Lightwood-Bane were the soulmate pair. They hadn’t even known they were matches when they met, warlock and shadowhunter being such a rare pairing that no one had known how it manifested well enough to realize. By the time they’d figured it out, Alec’s mark blooming gloriously along his spine, curving possessively over his collar and ribs, down his arms, they’d been madly in love.

His Bapak always said he thought maybe they loved each other hard enough that fate had bent to them instead of the other way around.

Life with them wasn’t always easy, but it was always full of love, for each other and for their children. They made the best of the rough times and they worked hard to always come home to each other, to hold their sons close and to revel in the simple warmth of them.

Rafael supposed that was why it was such a shock when his Dad just… didn’t. His Bapak was pacing their living room, clearly trying to pretend he wasn’t worried even as he glanced repeatedly at their front door.

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