


cal/gillian + microexpressions of love

I gotta say, the end of The Canary’s Song, where Foster is absolutely pissed, is one of my favourite scenes. She has the hots for him. He had the hots for her. They both know it. They dabble in flirting. I love their chemistry.


For@tvfreakd, because she did a gif for Callian. And @dillydallyy, because SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID.

Gillian had always been a light sleeper, especially when her world was a little topsy-turvy. Cal had known her long enough to know this; more to the point, he’d slept in her guest room enough to know that when she was worried about him, she’d check on him at least twice as she padded from her bedroom to the kitchen for a glass of water, or a few biscuits, or for whatever passed as an excuse to peek in the guest room door.

When he and Zoe hit the skids and he slept in her guest room more often than not, he always kept his eyes closed and his breathing even when she pushed the door to the guest room open. No reason to give her more to worry about, not when she could be asleep with her husband. Just because he slept alone in a bed didn’t mean that she had to leave Alec alone in his.

He could only guess that her divorce left her even more restless. Typical of Gillian, she didn’t want to talk about it. She didn’t want him to read her and guess how well – or not well – she was handling her divorce. She wore pink, and bright lipstick, and curled her hair, and he tried not to read her, but she looked happy enough.

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