#calliope muses


mcr please play the sharpest lives on sept 20th i will give you everything i own

why is the phrase “later teach i don’t give a swag” permanently embedded in my braincells

>society says go to sleep and you’ll feel better in the morning

>goes to sleep


>feels worse

feeling the crushing weight of agony because i was going to watch supernatural to attempt to numb my brain until i can forcibly go to sleep but netflix automatically logged me out on this computer and i dont have the email or password for this account

*flipping between hyperfixations at a faster rate than anyone can follow/unfollow my blog* parkour


i’ve been making kandi lately and i haven’t been this autistic or excited about a material hobby in years

valentine, a white nonbinary person with blonde side shaved hair and bright blue eyes, staring into the camera, wearing a gray respirator with pink p100 filters and a pair of big black bulky headphones with magenta kandi cat ears attachedALT

i made cat ears for my headphones that match my respirator. pls clap. the id is in the alt text.

radfems will be like “fem/me has always been a lesbian term and it’s only high school mogai queers on the internet who want to appropriate it for anyone else,” meanwhile, pansy division in 1993 was like

i’ve been making kandi lately and i haven’t been this autistic or excited about a material hobby in years


wait. wait wait. does anyone on this website know im a therian

i only publish fic once every two years because it is very difficult to operate a keyboard with my paws

wait. wait wait. does anyone on this website know im a therian

tumblr is a saw trap where i have to blorbo blog every day to not lose relevance but if i post incest in a main tag a bear trap closes on my head

can’t stop thinking about how the petekey rpf writers are gonna be losing their shit over the atlanta festival

thinking really hard about those ships where its an older character feeling inconsolably guilty for their Fucked Up And Evill attraction to the younger character, constantly wracked with shame over their evil lust or whatever, meanwhile the younger character is just blatantly and loudly trying to hit on them with every fiber of their being

the amount of leftists on tumblr that have apparently no idea what good labour practices are when it’s about their fandom drama is making me feel insane

yes a social media company should protect their employee from violent harassment campaigns using their platform until such time as they choose to let said employee go, and should do so in ways they would not typically protect a customer, like, that’s so basic that i’m surprised anyone even has to say it???


ive never wished i wasnt disabled more fervently than when im craving a breakfast quesadilla but know theres no physical way i am making eggs

my partners saw my tumblr post and made me a breakfast quesadilla we have solved ableism

ive never wished i wasnt disabled more fervently than when im craving a breakfast quesadilla but know theres no physical way i am making eggs

i have a url i want that tumblr says is already taken but when i go to the blog it says there is no blog with that name

thinking really hard about the time impersonated tara gilesbie to write a naruto fic and i said my favorite bands were linin prak and BLINK183


i have just encountered my first tumblr blaze that was a pointless callout post from a blog i have blocked. webbed site.

op you could have used that $10 for chipotle

i have just encountered my first tumblr blaze that was a pointless callout post from a blog i have blocked. webbed site.
