

A Lick of Sense

Nenet: Whoa, you took the last two root beers. Give me one.

Dylan: No way, you snooze, you lose. This one is for Nico, and this one… [licks can]… is for me.

Nenet: [smirks] Heh, the old “Lick it, so no one will want it” trick, eh? Too bad I beat ya to it. Read the bottom.

Dylan: “Licked by Nenet.” [gags] Seriously?!

Nenet: Fuck yeah, who do you think taught ya that trick in the first place? [takes a root beer] FYI, you’ll find the same note on the living room tv remote.


Dylan belongs to @laylaylamode

Nenet can be cute… in her own way…


Chapter 10- Tooth Fairy

Club Day proceeds until conflict strikes.

Collaborated with @onelastfic!

Nico Long and Nenet Long belong to @onelastfic!

Another Masters-piece, LayLay
