#calum smile


Person: I love five es oh es

Me: *cringes slightly*

Other person: oh and I love Michelle the

Me: *cringes more*

Another person: oh and Calvin the Asian guy is so cute

Me: *fights urge to hit someone*

All of them: their song don’t stop omg my life

Me: *Flips table and walks out while ripping hair out of my head* “stupid don’t stops”

Michael: you’re going down Irlose
Ashton: Irlose?
Michael:Well I’m gonna win so you can’t be IrWIN you have to be IrLOSE

•him pushing you to work harder
•"your ass looks so good in those shorts"
•laying under him while he does push ups rewarding him with a peck on the lips
•"y/n are you staring at me"
•"calum you’re not gonna watch me do squats"
•calum trying to impress you with his strength
•him getting mad because he thinks someone is checking you out

•"I know I’m hot but stop staring y/n"