

As some of you might already know: I’m a cosplayer and costume maker. I’m currently going to school to become a professional tailor and pursue my dream of becoming a costume maker for film or theater ❤️

I designed my own version of Elsa’s Spirit Gown from Frozen 2 and recently finally had the chance to do a photoshoot wearing it ❤️.

The costume is made by me and I’m also the one wearing it. If you wanna see how I made it, I have a special highlight with all of my progress on my IG profile https://instagram.com/camilla.cos

The pictures are taken by the amazing photographer @bymarije

It’s been a while since I shared a cosplay of mine! I spend the past 6 months working on my dream cosplay: the blue ballgown from Cinderella 2015 ❤️

Here are some pictures!

I made everything myself, from crinoline to petticoat and skirt to corset. Even did the wig styling and butterflies myself

If you’re interested in seeing how I made this, I documented everything in 2 Instagram story highlights, you can check them out on my profile! https://instagram.com/camilla.cos
