#camp camp fanfiction



Hear me out-

Gwenvid personality swap AU.

Like- personality swap, but same roles and everything.

David still went to camp as a little kid, still ended up working there- just, instead of being happy about it, he wakes up every morning and spends an hour staring into his coffee asking how the hell it came to this. At twenty four years old, how the fuck is this all he’s amounted to in life? How has he been doing this for over four years?? Is this it?! Is this all his life is ever going to be?! WHAT THE FUCK!

Like, Camp Campbell is his curse because he didn’t even like it as a kid and he sure as fuck hates it now, but he has nowhere else to go and is privately terrified of leaving. He might hate it, but at least it’s familiar and he has no faith in himself to be successful in anything else. Routine is boring but the unknown is terrifying, and he doesn’t know how to be anything besides what he is now.

He still focuses on Max because Max is the only person who seems more miserable than he does. Like, on one hand, hey kindred spirit, but on the other, Max is ten years old and he’s already pissed off, depressed, and disillusioned, and goddamn if David doesn’t find that sad. Isn’t there supposed to be a brief period of time where you’re happy before you learn what a nightmare the world is?

Even David had that once.

Shouldn’t Max?

So even though David thinks Max is an insufferable little shit he still tries really hard to find something that makes the kid happy.

And then we have Gwen.

Gwen still wanted to be a writer. Gwen still ended up going to community college and graduating with a useless degree. Gwen still started working at Camp Campbell right out of college and over four years later is Still Fucking There. The only difference is she is the most goddamn sunshine-y person to walk the face of the earth.

Like, by all rights, she should be miserable but every time the world throws more shit her way she just pops right the fuck back up again. A door closes and a window opens! So she’s still working the same job she got as a temporary gig at 22. Hey, they’re paying her, it’s a free bed, life is good. Yes, true, she’s in the middle of nowhere with no wifi and limited hot water. But hey, at least she doesn’t have to deal with her parents! And okay, the kids could make Satan himself run away screaming on a good day and every morning is a near death experience. But HOT DAMN, does that make for good writing material! When she finally gets a chance to start writing her book is gonna kick ASS!

There is no situation no matter how dire that she cannot find a positive in. Neil is infuriated because he can’t even insult her about her liberal arts crap, she just laughs off whatever he says and ruffles his hair.

Also, just for fun, I imagine they still have the same attitudes towards swearing in front of the campers.

“And we are the Camp Campbell…. Platypuses.”

“You mean the Camp Campbell Pussies!”

“…Yes. We are the Camp Campbell Pussies. Thank you, Nikki, that is exactly what I was hoping I would not have to say in front of every other camp on Lake Lilac.”


