#campo santo


You may already know that Firewatch is releasing for Windows, Mac, Linux, and PlayStation 4 on February 9, 2016—that’sone week from today!

What you may not know is everything else about the launch. Here we go…

  • Firewatch is priced at US$19.99 on Steam and the PlayStation Store.
  • On Steam, you can preorder the game now at a 10% discount—and it can be bought bundled with the original soundtrack, which is also 10% off! 
  • On PlayStation Network, you can buy the game on release day, and PlayStation Plus members will get 10% off! We’ve developed a super-snazzy PS4 theme, and that will be available separately or in a discounted bundle with the game.

If you want more details, we’ve alsorelaunched the official Firewatch site, which includes a lengthy FAQ as well as a page packed full of screenshots and trailers.

We’re really excited that Firewatch is finally approaching its release, and we can’t wait to hear what you all think. Thanks for being patient while we put all the finishing touches on this thing and got our launch plans worked out!

#firewatch    #campo santo    #video games    #gaming    #playstation network    #pc games    
Firewatch is anticipated. These wonderful internet websites would go as far as to say it is “most an

Firewatch is anticipated. These wonderful internet websites would go as far as to say it is “most anticipated of 2016!” 

IGN:… the word refreshing keeps coming to mind…

Gamespot“In a genre currently dominated by decision-driven narratives in the style of Telltale’s Walking Dead games, Firewatch actually manages to innovate.” 

Entertainment WeeklyFirewatch is as visually striking as its unique premise.

The Guardian:  …Expect plenty of creepy atmosphere.

Motherboard:  …a mysterious and unique looking adventure…

Wired:   All you really need to know about this first-person adventure game is that it’s written by Jake Rodkin and Sean Vanaman, who penned the moving story for Telltale Games’ breakout hit The Walking Dead. If you need to know more, it’s about a man alone in the forests of Wyoming with only a voice in a walkie-talkie as his companion. Oh, and the visual design is by Olly Moss. OK, now you should know why it’s on [our list].

The AV Club:… has the potential to deliver some real emotional heft…

PC World:   Two things you need to know about Firewatch…It’s gorgeous… as far as indie games go, this one’s got an all-star crew…

PC AdvisorFirewatch is an upcoming first-person adventure game with a scary twist.

twinfinite The combination of branching dialogue, well-acted characters, and intriguing story will make this game an immediate hit.

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We handed out these exclusive collector’s cards at Playstation Experience. We’ve got a few left and will think of a great way to give them away. (There were only 2000 “Bronze Trophy” cards and 200 Platinum!)

Playstation had us on their live-streaming stage at PSX. For some reason, I thought it’d be a good idea not to prep a play-through. Nevertheless, it turned out! Plus, it ends with a-never-before-seen surprise.

Campo Santo & Firewatch at the Playstation Experience 2015!We spent an incredible weekend with tCampo Santo & Firewatch at the Playstation Experience 2015!We spent an incredible weekend with tCampo Santo & Firewatch at the Playstation Experience 2015!We spent an incredible weekend with tCampo Santo & Firewatch at the Playstation Experience 2015!We spent an incredible weekend with tCampo Santo & Firewatch at the Playstation Experience 2015!We spent an incredible weekend with tCampo Santo & Firewatch at the Playstation Experience 2015!We spent an incredible weekend with tCampo Santo & Firewatch at the Playstation Experience 2015!We spent an incredible weekend with tCampo Santo & Firewatch at the Playstation Experience 2015!We spent an incredible weekend with t

Campo Santo & Firewatch at the Playstation Experience 2015!

We spent an incredible weekend with thousands of Playstation fans here in San Francisco. Playstation Experience was our first time having a booth at a trade-show and all of you folks made it really special. As you can see from the photos, we were mobbed. There was even a line to play the game!

We got a lot of wonderful write-ups but we thought we’d just share one from GamesRadar about the tone of the game. 

We had so much fun but when the doors closed on Sunday, it took about three minutes to go from what you see above to this.

If you met us at PSX, thanks so much for coming by. And if you’re now green with envy about how darn cool this event was, we’ll see you there next year!

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We’ll be at Sony’s Playstation Experience this weekend in San Francisco, December 5-6!Play Firewatch

We’ll be at Sony’s Playstation Experience this weekend in San Francisco, December 5-6!

Play Firewatch, meet the team and maybe take home a shirt or a poster (or one of our new Firewatch totes!)

How:single and two-day tickets are still available

When: 10am-10pm on Saturday December, 5th and 10am-6pm on Sunday, December 6th

Where is Campo Santo: Booth 1134/1135 on the 1st Floor

Plus:New posters, special limited giveaways for PSX attendees, and Patrick Ewing hosting you at a demo station (Campo Santo programmer OR former NBA Big-Man? You’ll have to come see us to find out!)

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What’s So Great About That: Episode 27
First-Person Shooter: Mysterious Photography in Firewatch

We’re all good at finding evidence to justify our personal narratives, whether it’s believing we’re the centre of a conspiracy or using one minor mechanic to thematically explore and entire game. This essay looks at Campo Santo’s ‘Firewatch’ through the lens of its virtual camera.
