#can a scene be tattooed to your brain asking for a friend



a scene™: on rage, regret & yes- joy

I already wrote a tag novel on this but I can’t get this scene out of my mind & it deserves a deep-dive, so- buckle up, kids.

the heartwrench started in earnest when Vegas stormed out the bathroom and Kinn turned to- or on to- Porsche. look at the small but striking journey Porsche’s expressions go through here:

I’m praying to the BL gods that we get some BTS commentary on this moment in particular because there’s so much that could be happening with Porsche here.

maybe in his tipsiness he was just happy to have Kinn there before the reality of Kinn’s rage hit him. maybe it was some of that gleeful sass in response to Kinn’s jealousy that we saw earlier in the ep.

or it could have a darker meaning: is that little smile a knowing one? a confirmation of the doubts about Kinn’s sincerity/intentions that have been brewing in Porsche since he found out about Tawan?

regardless, all are loaded/potentially devastating possibilities.

Kinn and Porsche then exchange slaps and verbal barbs, but it’s much more than the sum of its parts. they both have so many fears, insecurities and lack of trust in each other (and themselves, too) that they’ve been carrying around since this intoxicating, terrifying thing between them started.

the powder keg was already loaded & ready to explode- the altercation with Vegas was just the spark that lit it.

I’m glazing over the rest of the argument to the aftermath because that’s where things really get narratively delicious. I’ve always been a sucker for a good chase- the idea that someone not just wants but needs you to the extent that they’d pursue you- and Kinn’s desperate need for Porsche to stay with him is on full, aggressive display here.

he moves so quickly after Porsche that it comes off as an instinct, not an intentional choice- a magnet chasing its opposite polarity.

Keep reading

RBing with the GIFs I couldn’t fit in the original post. first up, the killer long shots:

mutual, unadulterated (horny) joy:

the pulling in:

bonus: I somehow forgot my favorite micro moment in this scene- when Porsche grabs Kinn’s chin and gently pulls him away, and Kinn nods to him in reassurance.

I like to think he’s saying it’s OK to surrender, that he’s safe with him- and once again, that was all the reassurance Porsche needed.
