#canon canon canon



Aiden and Lambert met in the very typical dog/cat fashion. It started out because Aiden saw the wolf, and he darted away. Lambert, in typical pup behaviour, thought Aiden was initiating a game of chase. So he bounded after the cat witcher, who was entirely convinced that Lambert was trying to catch him and kill him. The chase occurred in the middle of the afternoon in a small town. The people of the town jumped out of the way when they could to avoid being barrelled over by two large witchers, one looking rather terrified and the other grinning ear to ear. It ended with Lambert catching Aiden. They tousled and rolled around in the mud, and then Lambert sat on Aiden’s hips and declared that he’d won. Then he offered Aiden a hand up, and he told Aiden that he had to buy them drinks since he lost the game of chase. Aiden was just glad to have kept his life, so he’d buy this absolutely insane (and ruggedly handsome) wolf anything he wanted. They have a drink and a conversation, and then they’re joined at the hip forever after.
