#cant argue with any of this



following in the footsteps of @bomburjo​,@radiojamming​, and others before me, i now present to you a ranking of blanky’s Looks throughout the terror. i apologize for image quality, as the very definitely legal service i’m using to get my screenshots doesn’t have the best quality.

Go For Broke Command Meeting - 6/10. an okay look. this is probably the most clean-shaven blanky gets in the series, and frankly i like him better with the beard. points for glaring at fitzjames every time he says something rude to crozier and for demonstrating excellent drift compatibility.

Nighttime Chat - 7/10. there we go, there’s the beard! it’s a little too dark to see exactly what he’s wearing but blanky doesn’t change up his look too much, so one can assume it’s his usual coat, which is very cute. some points off because it’s difficult to see him, but some points back for the pretty moonlight and his laughter. blanky’s cackles warm my heart better than an industrial space heater.

Big Ol’ Hat and Vest - 8/10. i love this outfit. so much. god he looks so silly. i bet it’s warm as hell, but still. some points off because the scene was very frustrating to screenshot properly - it’s so dark and there’s so much camera movement. let us bask in the glory of his ridiculous woolly hat, dammit.

New Leg, New Me, aka Fury Beach Speech, aka The Sexiest Scene in the Show - 10/10. the hair! the suspenders! the leg! the absolute lack of a shit given! the raw sexuality of openly saying you might’ve split your superior officer’s head open with a boat axe for being a prick! i have to fan myself while i watch this scene. also, suspenders are sexy, don’t @ me.

Carnivale - 10/10. he’s swigging spirits out of his prosthetic leg. he’s dressed as bacchus. the Smirk. he’s the life of the party and he is here for a good time, if not a long time.

Walkin’ Out In Style - 8/10. the coat! the cane! they might have an 800 mile walk ahead of them, but blanky is ready for the runway. love the hair peeking out under the hat, too.

Discovering the NWP Sweater - 500/10. that PATTERN. the SUSPENDERS. his hair is a mess but he makes it work. he’s got that perfect salty sea dog look and he’s grinning like he’s just won the lottery. this is a perfect blanky right here, folks, no doubt about it.

Bonus: FOARKS???
