#cant wait for the inevitable betrayal



Obviously, Asmodeus is extremely intelligent, that’s like saying water is wet, but watching him play Zerxus was so damn interesting. He knowsZerxus has no respect for the gods, Betrayer or Prime, and adjusts accordingly. He knows he starts on an even playing field, with Zerxus not having an affinity for either set of deities, but something bordering on loathing or disrespect at the least for both. He employs sympathy, empathy, and garners pity to sway Zerxus to his side, a play at human emotion. His face is a mask designedto lure Zerxus in. And even though he starts at a lower level, being dying until Zerxus heals him, even as he regains his strength, he’s careful never to surpass Zerxus in his attitude. He does not take a godly stance of being “above,” he talks to Zerxus like an equal, or even like Zerxus could be his savior. It’s sosmart and I hate him.
