#cant wait to see what happens next

ginmayo: An AU where the He brothers live in one apartment and annoy the hell out of eachother (kind


An AU where the He brothers live in one apartment and annoy the hell out of eachother (kinda inspired by @ladyoftheloch126 ‘s setting in “art of the ink”, where they own a loft with separate wings and only a common kitchen and fitness room. Here, they only got their own rooms, tho. Imagine the horror.)

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Anyway…I recently got myself Clip Studio Paint (they got a 50% discount until 8th of september!) and this is my first test…please ignore the overuse of texture pens and wobbly af lines (it’s the first time I did everything digitally and my tablet is absolute shite- I just had to try everything ;-D) 

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Word Count: 4,167

Christian sits at the bar, pretending to sip at a whiskey as he thinks things through.

He cannot make sense of it. Since the moment he stepped onto the bridge for the first time, and suffered Barbara Agau’s blatantly candid introduction, Captain Beth has been large and in charge. He still remembers how deftly she had manipulated Finnigan’s presence on the deck. She had relegated him to Engineering without insult, and allowed her mother to continue without insult as well.

Then, the first mission he had been involved in: that broken ship threatened by Klingon pirates. Beth had delegated tasks to each of them with utter confidence. She had used him and his position without hesitation—as is her right, as she should have! He is head of security. It’s what he does. It’s what he was trained to do, and what he has been practicing at for years.

Part of that training has been watching. He constantly scans for threats, and keeps an eye on the behavior of those around him. Usually, he can understand what motivates people. Even if it is cowardice, or greed, Christian can figure out what is going on behind people’s minds.

For the life of him, he cannot understand why Beth sat there and deigned to be chastised like a child.

“Fucking Vulcan bitch,” he mutters into his glass.

“That better not be our captain you’re talking about.”

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