#canucks lb


It physically hurts knowing that Tanev (and Marky) don’t get their first game back with fans.

It just isn’t right

The rink mic is quite clear tonight huh

The thing I feel like isn’t being talked about.

Chris Tanev and Troy Stecher LOVED being Canucks you cannot convince me that a well meaning conversation wouldn’t have convinced them to take less money to stay with a team they were in love with.

Jacob Markstrom also loved being a Canucks and while it may be hard to pay him what he deserved he wasn’t the MVP of this team two years in a row for nothing.

Jim Benning could’ve easily saved at least 2/3 of these people, players that were the very heart and soul of this team, from leaving. He just simply did not do it, full stop.

I can’t take that fight seriously because of Jordie Benns little hair bit flopping at the top of his helmet




Someone find that milf photo with Quinn and JT quick


i have it

@philosophical-lava THANK YOU.

This is what my brain thought when JT killed Quinn. Thank you and goodnight

Someone find that milf photo with Quinn and JT quick
