
exalted-one: part the sand from the sea Captive Prince Reverse Big Bang 2019 - @capri-bigbang2k19Lauexalted-one: part the sand from the sea Captive Prince Reverse Big Bang 2019 - @capri-bigbang2k19Lauexalted-one: part the sand from the sea Captive Prince Reverse Big Bang 2019 - @capri-bigbang2k19Lau


part the sand from the sea

Captive Prince Reverse Big Bang 2019 - @capri-bigbang2k19
Laurent/Damianos, G, completed, 20k
tags: merman!laurent, blacksmith!damen, demigod!damen, 

“Hello?” he calls and the singing abruptly stops, the last cut-off note echoing off the rocks around him before they too fade into nothing. “Are you alright?” he tentatively calls, his voice thick, and receives nothing in answer but the sorrowful tune still rings in his ears. He sighs, looking away from the cliff side and down at his one submerged foot. He swings it from side to side in small figure eight motions, watching as the waves distort the shape of his foot and the fit of his sandal.

“I know how you feel.” He says quietly to the sea air, wiping his tears away with the heel of his palm.

“Do you?” A voice asks back and he startles so badly he loses his balance and falls off the boulder he’s been sitting on and into the ocean. When his head breeches the water it’s to the sound of laughter echoing off the cliffs around them – and to the sight of glittering blue eyes. “I apologize for startling you.”

Gills, webbed and pointed ears. The haunting singing from before. A tail.

“You… You’re–” He can’t make himself say it. It’s impossible. Isn’t it?

“A Veretian?” The man says, his speaking voice just as melodic as his singing voice.

Based on the lovely @diamythal‘s art and prompt: Merman Laurent
[diamythal’s art can be viewed and loved and fawned over and reblogged here]
[read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22113886]

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