#car desperation


It has gotten to the point where I will hold until I am going home from work for the day. After all, the only break I get from work is at about 8:30 in the morning, so the rest of the day, I have to hold it. I then drive the half hour home, and it is a race between getting home first and having an accident. I even keep a towel in my car, just in case. No accidents in the vehicle, but I am sure “yet” should be added to that.

However, yesterday, my bladder won this race. I made it all the way up my steps, to the point where I was right in front of my door. As typical as it is, I could not get my key in my door fast enough. Instead, I stood outside of my door, in full view of those who live in my apartment, and had a full blown accident. I didn’t even try after that, just stayed right there, leaning against the door and panting as I pissed my panties and jeans. It took maybe a minute for me to empty, at which point I opened my door and stepped inside. Now that I live alone, I wasn’t worried about getting caught. I took a shower (which was pretty long thanks to some sexy moments), and contemplated getting drunk to have another accident later ;)
