#carot cards

more Carot cards, this time from the Traveler’s Suite. Carot is a simple ttrpg where you and your opmore Carot cards, this time from the Traveler’s Suite. Carot is a simple ttrpg where you and your opmore Carot cards, this time from the Traveler’s Suite. Carot is a simple ttrpg where you and your opmore Carot cards, this time from the Traveler’s Suite. Carot is a simple ttrpg where you and your opmore Carot cards, this time from the Traveler’s Suite. Carot is a simple ttrpg where you and your opmore Carot cards, this time from the Traveler’s Suite. Carot is a simple ttrpg where you and your op

more Carot cards, this time from the Traveler’s Suite. Carot is a simple ttrpg where you and your opponent play as the travelers you pull from the deck as well as the world that wants to absolutely wreck them.  each side represents a different rabbit family and each family has a litter of 4 kits. the game is a journey of a year where both litters go out traveling, and the goal is to get as many of your siblings back home as possible while trying to use nature and circumstance to merc your opponent’s bloodline. you play 4 seasons, a season for each rabbit, and these seasons are like short stories of what happens when you and your opponent’s traveler meet on the road.

games can also be totally friendly collaborative stories, but y’know. rabbits.

even though you play with 4 traveler cards each, there are 10 in all to choose from in a deck. here are 6 of those cards because i still need to finish the rest but i really wanted to post something for the first day of spooky month. these are like the standard/classic designs you’d see on cards but there are variations all over the place because rabbits sometimes make personal decks to play with.

if you were into shady divination stuff these are the ones you would use though.

not that anyone on the island is doing that.


here are some rough descriptions of each one:

The Wanderer: usually depicted as a cloaked rabbit carrying various bags and maps with dandelion seeds floating around them. their footprints are chaotic and distorted in reference to the fact that they never truly settle down and they face another, frighteningly familiar, traveler heading towards them on the road ahead who is smeared with blood. after all, those that wander all their lives have same destination as everyone else eventually. associated with dandelions.

The Orchid: the Orchid is usually depicted reclining on a tree stump by the roadside while flowering branches from other trees dote on them. their fur is lavishly dyed and wasp orchid flowers sit on their laps or are tucked between their legs (rabbits aren’t very subtle). nearby sits a book and a large bottle of refreshing liquid in reference to the knowledge, entertainment, cultural enrichment, and uh…hypothetical thirst quenching abilities of the trade. also usually some rocks shaped like butts or something in the background. rabbits. are not. subtle. and this is an indulgent card. associated with wasp orchids.

The Struggler: the Struggler is usually depicted as a rabbit covered in black armor studded with thorns and wearing a wolf-like mask. they carry a sword made of a giant wolf’s tooth and are being chased or nearly consumed by some shadowy thing with sharp teeth. they are always positioned between this thing and a field of small delicate flowers with swords lodged into the ground. this is a card of protection, strength, love, loss, having the universe try to literally bite you in the ass constantly, and is commonly linked to guard rabbits. associated with venus flytraps and wildflowers.

The Asshole: this fuckin’ guy. usually depicted as a punchable rabbit with blades pointed at them, posing as if performing for a crowd. they’re covered in wounds and falling apart but still going strong much to their enemy's’ annoyance. at least one hand is always covered in blood and held out proudly because they def did something to deserve this and they want everybody to see. just the worst. associated with burrs that get caught on everything you love and fuck you.

The Naturalist: the Naturalist is usually depicted standing in a clearing full of fruit, some rotted, some perfect. their clothes and horns blend into/resemble the plant life around them and they carry herbs, poisons, and teeth from other animals with them. a two headed worm eats fruit from their hand and chomps off a bit of them, usually a thumb. this is the card for rabbits who love nature with their whole heart but are also fully aware that it’s super gross and painful. like, really gross and really painful. but also? nice sometimes :) . an educational card. associated with various fruit in various states of decay.

The Mage: the Mage is…doin’ fine. this card is usually depicted as a rabbit standing under a fig tree full of black figs. their staff also has a halved fig with an eye in the center on top of it. they’ve got a few side effects from magical experiments and the tree is a little odd, but they’re doin’ fiiiiiiiiiine. mages are just freaky like that. associated with figs.

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