#cas preference




Sam - Sam is all about the Christmas tree. He takes extra time picking out the right one with you, spending hours if need be until he finds the one that’s just the right size and shape.  He helps you dole out the lights and garland for it, not even needing a footstool to place the star on top. You have ornaments for the tree, store-bought ornaments that are the generic kind, but Sam’s bought a few personalized ones for the two of you as well. There is one that has a photo of you together, a few that are inside jokes. The ornaments will follow you through each Christmas as the years pass, they’ll be memories for you when you unwrap them each December from the tissue paper that’s been keeping them safe. You know that Sam gifting them to you is a big deal, that it’s his way of saying he wants to do this again, next year and the year after that. All memories have to start somewhere, and you begin yours in the warm lights of a Christmas tree.



Dean - Dean loves going traditional. He makes sure you’re there to help him decorate before setting up the record player he finds in the bunker, putting some vinyl on of old Christmas classics like Nat King Cole as the two of you move throughout the place, adding color and cheer where you can. You string up lights and garland, tinsel and holly. He wants it all to be perfect, to be picturesque, and doesn’t even grumble or make jokes when you set out the stockings for the two of you and Sam. You drink eggnog as you go, and Dean gets distracted more than once by pulling you underneath the mistletoe with him, kissing you until you tell him you might have to revoke his privileges until after the decorating is complete. His lips are enough to distract you that you might never finish. You stand back when it’s done, admiring your work; it looks like a new place. Dean kisses your cheek and stands with his arm around your waist, remarking that it looks like home. And that’s when you understand his insistence that you be a part of decorating with him. It’s not home for Dean unless you’re there, too.



Cas - Cas is a big fan of Christmas, but he also loves being outside for it, not cooped up indoors. As such, he gets very into the outdoor decorations aspect of it all. He wants your Christmas tree to be the one that sits outside the house, covered in snow, instead of buying one. You try to tell him that presents are supposed to go underneath it, and you can’t keep your presents outside, but he insists on stringing lights around the thing. It takes him all afternoon to negotiate the electric cords and get them plugged in so that the tree lights up, but the look on his face when it does is worth it. Snow begins to fall in the late afternoon, but still Cas won’t come in, intent on his mission. You nearly trip over your own feet when you head outside to help him and find that he’s on the roof, stringing lights out over it as well. Once he’s climbed back down and looking over his work with you, a soft snow begins to fall. It’s so perfect, all of it, despite the trouble Cas had to go through. But that’s the way it is for him, he might make a mess sometimes, but the love he puts into it always produces the same results, some kind of magic exclusive to him.


Read more preferences here!


Because I decorated for Christmas tonight and I’m feelin’ it. :)
