#castiel one shot


Castiel x reader, where she is the youngest Winchester and they keep their relationship secret till one day, they think Dean and Sam left but they’re really spying on them.

Slightly different from the request but same premise. I never get Cas imagines usually only Dean and a few Sam so this was fun.

“So.. I think we have to go speak to the store manager again, he’s holding something back” Sam spoke to you, your brother Dean and Cas as you all sat around the motel room. You had been working a case together in Texas, and reaching a whole bunch of dead ends. 

“Good plan. y/n? Cas? You coming?” Dean asked.

“No I think me and Cas should hang back, do some more research at home.” You looked over at Cas who was sitting on the edge of the bed, giving him a mischievous smirk that neither of your brothers could see. 

Within 5 minutes the boys had changed into their suits and left the apartment. As soon as the door closed behind them, you left your post at the kitchen table and walked towards Cas. His face lit up with a smile as he saw you jump towards the bed, landing on your back while pulling him down by the arm. You both rolled over to face each other. Cas placed a gentle hand on your face, tucking a lose piece of hair behind your ear. 

“How long will they be gone?” He asked

“Long enough” You replied before sloppily crashing your lips into Castiel’s and began to pull his coat off him. 

Sam and Dean were driving down the road at Dean’s usual, way-over-speed-limit speed, when he suddenly slammed on the breaks.  

“Whats wrong?” Sam asked as he sat back in his chair after he was jolted forward by Deans questionable choice to floor the breaks when going 90mph.

“I forgot my phone. Better go back in case we get split up”

“Dude you gave me whiplash because you forgot your phone?” Sam yelled.

“Buckle up next time Sammy” Dean laughed at his brother, before speeding off in the other direction back towards the motel.

They got out of the impala and walked towards the door, Sam was about to open it when Dean stopped him.

“Listen” he held his hand up in front of Sam to stop him walking any further. When they heard the sex noises coming from the room, they both gagged, and started to walk away, knowing it was their baby sister in there. That was until they heard you scream your partners name.

“Cas!” You moaned on the other side of the motel wall. 

“Cas!?” Dean yelled, body filling with rage as he kicked the door down. 

You scrambled up off the angel when you heard the door coming down, and screamed when your brother walked in. Cas pulled his boxer shorts up quickly and jumped off the bed. Dean charged towards Cas, reaching for his gun in the back of his trousers and started squaring up to him. Cas kept backing up until he couldn’t reverse anymore and he crashed into the kitchen table where Dean grabbed his face. 

“Get off!” You screamed at your brother, you looked at Sam for help who was still standing in the doorway in shock. Dean let go of Cas’ face and punched him despite your yelling to leave him alone. Dean started yelling at him, telling him he was an animal, a predator. Cas stood there and took it, until Dean grabbed the angel blade out of his blazer pocket. Something in Cas must’ve snapped, because all of a sudden Dean was pined up on the kitchen wall unable to move. Cas walked towards your oldest brother and looked him in the eyes. 

“You don’t get to barge in here like a neanderthal and dictate who she can be with.” Cas spoke sternly, Dean tried to open his mouth to defend himself but Cas silenced him.

“We love each other. And neither of you will come between that” he pointed at both brothers. “Now get back to your case.” Cas let Dean down and after a few more threats from Dean they left again, and Cas sat back down on the bed where you were sitting. 

“God that was horrible. I wish they didn’t find out this way” You sighed, Cas put his arm around you and pulled you into a cuddle. 

“Sorry if I was too harsh on them” Cas apologised.

“No I know what Dean is like, he needed that” You laughed. “Plus watching you get all angry and take control like that was all kinds of hot” You smirked. Cas rolled over onto his side whilst pushing you on your back and began picking up where you had just left off. 


Castiel x reader 

Word count: -2000

A/N: Yeah I know it´s almost christmas and its not christmas related sush thats coming latter

When I was a kid, my mother used to warn me about the creatures that hid in the dark. She didn’t tell me enough to give me nightmares. But enough to sleep with one eye opened. 

Back then I dreamed of having an ordinary life, as my mother would have wanted for me. However, the result of every decision I made inevitably led to the hunter life. Yeah, I may have been taught to fear the dark, but that didn’t mean that I wouldn’t fight it. I worked alone, making alliances with fellow hunters I bumped into. They were temporally though… Until I crossed paths with the Winchesters. 

Of course I’d heard of the legendary Winchesters before. They had shaken things up more than once. Nevertheless, they always ended up fixing it. Anyways, I never thought I’ll ever meet them, or that I’d be so fond of them. Neither did them. After our case together we seemed to be playing hide and seek. We’d look for big cases that the other would be probably digging in and followed the lead. As a result, the three of us closed lots of jobs together, making memories on the way. Maybe it was because I was too shy to actually ask them if I could join in. Or maybe it was because they were… well… dudes… It came to a point in which it was ridiculous how often we got together (almost every week. Not very common among hunters).So finally when my car had been smashed in one of the hunts… 

It was dark outside. From the back seat of the impala I could just see a blur of tress. I pressed my forehead against the cold glass of the window, and let out a sigh. 

“What’s the matter freckles?” Dean asked looking at me from the mirror. 

“Well, my car has been smashed to death! But that’s fine because I can just steal another one” I mumbled, but raised my voice again “What worries me is that I had everything in there. All my fake ID’s, my clothes and my weapons… I don’t even have money! What I’m supposed to do! " 

The youngest of the Winchesters let out a cough "You can always stay in the bunker with us. I mean, there’s enough space, and we could just make you new cards" 

"Really?” I wanted to make sure I had heard right

 "(Y/N), after all our time together we have gotten really attached to you. You know we would do anything for you. You are like a sister to us" 

“I agree with Sammy” Dean butted in “You always say you want a place to call home. Come to the bunker, you’ll love it. And if you don’t want to, we can help you either way. We have a lots of nice rides in our garage”

 They have told me about their inheritance. Still, it all seemed sureal. I couldn’t help but smile like a fool. 

“How could I say no! Of course I want to go with you” you threw your arms around Sam’s neck from the back seat, resting your head in his shoulder 

“I love you guys” you whispered. The silence allowing it to be heard by both brothers. Dean smiled at you and ruffled your hair. Sam’s hand patted your own 

“Let’s get going then!” Dean declared while turning on the radio, music blasting from the speakers.

 I love them as if they were family, and since I’ve moved into the bunker everything seems better. However, what changed my way of seeing the world, what has made me want to be the best version of myself, was something else. Well, someone. 

 The Winchesters had told me about their friend Cas. They always mentioned him when they tell me some of their adventures. Never really explaining who he was or how they knew each other, so imagine my surprise when a dude showed up from nowhere in the middle of the library. 

“Whoa!” I took my gun out, pointing to our visitor He didn’t seem to be intimidated by it, rather more confused as to why I was pointing it. 

 "You can lower the gun. He’s a friend" Dean soothe me “(Y/N) this is Castiel, he’s an Angel. Cas, (Y/N), our friend and hunter partner. Now, whats the matter”

Although the supposed Angel had started talking, and the boys were already engrossed in a conversation, I couldn’t help but stare at the new creature before my eyes.

 "Why didn’t you tell me you were friends with a freaking angel?“ I hissed at Sam when the celestial being was gone 

"We didn’t? Well I guess it never came out” he just shrugged it off. 

That week I didn’t stop asking about when he would give us another visit. I was fascinated with this new discovery, and couldn’t stop reading about it. By the end of that week I was an expert on angels. However, the next time he visited I couldn’t bring myself to interact with him. I didn’t comprehend why being so determinate to socialize with the angel, I failed to talk with him. 

Truth is, I was overwhelmed. All my life I’ve believed there was only darkness, and I should fear it. But they forgot to mention what happens in the light. Yeah, even if Dean said they were douches they still were made of grace, pure beings.  

At the end, the next time he showed up I made myself go to him.

“Hi” I said awkwardly 

“Hello” he answered bluntly

 Okay so now what I’m supposed to say? 

 "So… you’re an Angel"


 "Uhm… Yeah" he said raising his arms as if to cheek.

 Another awkward silence.

 Luckily, he was the one to break it. “Sam has told me you’re an amazing huntress" 

"Well, I’ve in the business for long. And now that I’m staying with the guys it’s…” I looked for the words “…more enjoyable. As enjoyable as it can be at least" 

He smiled at me as I started to formulate another question about himself. 

Time passed, and every day I was more eager to spend every second of that day with him. I felt an intense impulse to be next to him, not to know more about angels, but him only. 

 The boys noticed every tiny stretch of the lips, every glance that lingered more than it should, as every small reach for contact, and they always remembered to tease me about it. Soon enough, both of us were in a tangled relation. I knew what I wanted. I knew that I liked him, hell I was head over heels for the guy. However, I also knew that angels are soldiers of heaven, not allowed or made to feel anything. 

 But oh boy if Castiel wasn’t feeling anything! Yes, he was as confused as a toddler in it’s first day of kindergarten. All this things that were bubbling inside him when he was with you, trying to find excuses to come to pay a visit or to join in hunts whether heaven allowed it or not. 

 "Hey (Y/N)” Sam called you as you passed by the library “I wanted to ask you something" 

 "Sure, whats up?" 

 After putting the book down, he sat straight and with a head movement he guide me to sit in the chair next to him. I couldn’t help but notice that his brows were furrowed, something he does when he wants to talk about something important. 

"Whoa we are getting serious” I tried to laugh it off. 

He rolled his eyes, the same expression on his face. Before starting, he cleared his throat and put my small hands in his enormous ones, a way to stop me from looking somewhere else than his eyes.

 "What are you going to do about…Cas?“

 Oh, okay, I definitely didn’t suspect this conversation was heading that way I thought. 

"What about him?” I asked trying to sound puzzled about the subject.

“Come on (Y/N), it’s been months. At the end we’ve figured out that…" 

"I like the angel” I whispered. 

I looked down at my lap, trying to hide from him, from the fact that they knew what was going on in my head. I almost felt embarrassed about them knowing so easily. 

 "Look (Y/N) I know this must be hard, but you need to so something about it. Sometimes you aren’t on your full potential on hunts because of him. And I understand, trust me I really do, but Dean sometimes isn’t so… understanding"

 "I tried you know. God, I’ve tried so many times to push them away, but I couldn’t. Theres a pull inside me that prevents me from staying away from him. Every time I tried to ignore him I felt so–so devastated that it made my need worse! At the end I realize that I can’t help falling in love with him“ I explained. I felt like crying but no tears were coming out. 

 "Hey, I’m not saying that you have to stay away from him or push him away. You just need to fix it. Maybe it’s telling him your feelings, from personal experience I know that locking them up is even worse" 

 I laughed bitterly "yeah, telling him that I like him so that he can ask what liking someone is” I continued mockingly “I’m sure he’s just going to feel responsable, because thats what he does, he always blames himself. And I don’t want to add another stone in his conscience" 

 Sam sighed, running a hand trough his long locks "I don’t know (Y/N), just do what you feel like doing. But do something” he got up and kissed the top of my head “we are always here, you know?” I nodded. He pulled away and went to his room after wishing me good night. 

Great, now what

Warnings: failed attempt at seduction, adorably confused angels

Words: 732

Prompts Used (found here, credit to @writing-prompts-list ): Who plays or tries to play the piano, and who climbs on the piano and tries to lay “seductively” on top

It wasn’t very often that you got the bunker to yourself. You spent most days with the Winchesters hunting or looking for information on the villain of the week, and the occasional off day had you more or less babysitting the boys to keep them out of trouble. For once, however, they had left you to your own devices and you fully intended to take advantage of it.

Of the many, many rooms of the bunker, your favorite was the one with the spotless white piano. The first time you guys stumbled upon it you had to excuse yourself so they didn’t see the tears it inspired. Seeing it made you think of your mother and all the time the two of you had spent together in her music room, before she was dragged away by ghouls when you were twelve. Each note felt like a beautiful homage to her and it had always been one of your biggest regrets that you couldn’t play more for her.

As your fingers danced across the keys to the tune of “Sixteen Going on Seventeen”, you heard the distinctive rustle of feathers as your favorite angel appeared next to you. He glanced at you curiously and opened his mouth to say something, but he must have remembered past scoldings from you and stayed quiet until the last note rang through the air.

“Hey Castiel, how are you?” You turned gracefully on the bench and smiled warmly at him.

“Hello.” He returned your grin, his blue eyes shining. “I am well, and you?”

“Very well,” Hesitating, you added quietly, “I missed you though, Cas.”

It took the angel a second to respond, a little concerned about how fast his vessel’s heart was beating. He swallowed thickly before answering just as softly.

“I missed you too… Very much so. I thought of you often.”

You two just sat there staring at each other with goofy smiles for a few seconds before you glanced back down at the piano, already missing the music.

“Would you like me to play you something?” You gestured to the keys as his brows furrowed. “I have a lot of different sheet music if you’d like to pick something out too.”

He nodded carefully, still eyeing the piano as you got up to look through your books in the desk behind you. Dean had once made him watch a movie where, in a particular scene, a woman had climbed up atop it while a man played it. The man seemed to be very interested in the movement for some reason, he had noted, so much so that he had kissed the woman senseless right there. He asked Dean what it was about the musical box that made the woman so attractive, but Dean had just laughed at him.

You trailed your fingers across spine after spine of music collection until you stumbled upon one with hits of the 80’s. Covering a mouth to hide a giggle at your own silliness, you pulled out the sheet music for “Angel of the Morning”, thinking he’d appreciate the joke. You paused for a second considering how the song was kind of romantic, but then again you and Castiel had always been a little more romantic than platonic… Maybe the nudge wouldn’t hurt. Turning around to tell him what you chose, your voice died in your throat and you froze as you took in the scene before you.

Castiel had swung himself on top of the piano somehow, the edges of his trench coat trailing over the sides. He laid on his back with one leg bent up, his foot popping up on the heel. He had one hand awkwardly twisted back so it was curled into his own hair. The other flopped to the side and hit a few keys on the way down. It took you a few seconds of watching him do an awkward twisting motion for you to realize he was attempting to arch his back up off of the wood in, what you would guess to be, a sexual motion. Cas glanced pleadingly at you, as if asking for your thoughts. You just kept staring, open-mouthed and completely silent thanks to the spectacle before you.

“Hmm… This did not work like I thought it would.” He looked very genuinely disappointed for a moment. “Perhaps those heeled shoes she wore would have helped.”

Pose inspiration here

Author’s note: Finally started watching Supernatural, as you can see! ;)
